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TauAnalysisTools: update EfficiencyCorrectionTool/TauSelectionTool and move to RNN eVeto

Antonio De Maria requested to merge ademaria/athena:tat_update into master

This MR will :

  • move to RNN eVeto in instead of BDT eVeto
  • clean TauSelectionTool and TauEfficiencyCorrectionTool from old eBDT WPs and change to new eRNN wPS
  • update TauSelectionTool and TauEfficiencyCorrectionTool documentation

Note: since RNN eVeto SFs are not available, TauEfficiencyCorrectionTool has been instructed to skip them and output a WARNING message

Note: first tests passed using new TauAnalysisTools version in xTauFW and R22 validation samples

pinging @qbuat, @dta, @martindl and @ghamity

Edited by Antonio De Maria

Merge request reports
