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New L1Calo naming convention: eFEX (ATR-24772)

Daniele Zanzi requested to merge dzanzi/athena:ATR-L1CaloNames_dzanzi into master

eEM name changes:

Old New Old New
eEM3 eEM5 eTAU8 eTAU12
eEM5 eEM7 eTAU12 eTAU20
eEM7 eEM9 eTAU20 eTAU30
eEM8 eEM10 eTAU25 eTAU35
eEM10 eEM12 eTAU30 eTAU40
eEM12 eEM15 eTAU40 eTAU60
eEM15 eEM18 eTAU60 eTAU80
eEM18 eEM22 eTAU100 eTAU140
eEM20 eEM24
eEM22 eEM26
eEM24 eEM28

TODO: once the calibrated energy is simulated for eFEX (or before data taking), the cuts for these thresholds needs to be updated. For now the cuts are not changed, ie they apply for uncalibrated energies. These cuts needs to be updated both for the multiplicity algorithms but also for the decision algorithms. For the decision algorithms, the names have not changed yet as they should reflect the cuts.

Edited by Daniele Zanzi

Merge request reports
