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ATR-24839 -- flesh out jLJ thresholds

Teng Jian Khoo requested to merge khoo/athena:master-TMMT-jLJThresholds into master

Defined additional jLJ thresholds replacing jLJSPARE. For commissioning we retain four thresholds:

  • jLJ80
  • jLJ120
  • jLJ140
  • jLJ180 After commissioning, in production (and for MC sim) we would additionally enable
  • jLJ60
  • jLJ100
  • jLJ160
  • jLJ200 The lower thresholds 60-160 are for support chains, whereas 200 is inserted as an additional backup threshold. As we write all saturated events with J400/jJ500, a jLJ saturation threshold is probably not required.

HLT chains corresponding to the production-only thresholds are added to the MC menu.

FYI @cantel, @ayana, @dzanzi

Coincidentally cleaned up the inconsistent use of 'Main' and PhysicsStream in the Physics menu.

Edited by Teng Jian Khoo

Merge request reports
