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Draft: WIP: Online Monitoring for TLA Chains

Marco Montella requested to merge mmontell/athena:TLA-Monitor into master

This MR tracks the implementation of an online monitoring interface for TLA chains, as requested in ATR-24876.

We are currently following the example of the TrigDJPromptHypoAlgMonTool (Link), by implementing the MonTool in TrigJetTLAHypoAlg.

Tagging @shanisch, @rbielski , @fpastore


Marco and @cantel


We tested the initial implementation on the full Dev menu. We see the new TLA histogram defined in TrigTLAJetHypoAlgMonTool, but it is empty, along with all other histograms. This is the command we used for the test run: -l WARNING -c "doL1Sim=True;setMenu='Dev_pp_run3_v1';" -o output --imf --perfmon --threads=1 --concurrent-events=1 --nprocs=1 --number-of-events=30 --dump-config-reload --file=/cvmfs/ TriggerJobOpts/
Edited by Jakub Kremer

Merge request reports
