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Update the phi method for gFex EDM and save only TOBs passing threshold

With this MR the following changes are implemented in the gFex bitwise simulation:

  • Jet TOBs are saved only if the TOB status is 1. The jet status is set by the jet finder algorithm when a TOB with energy above a certain threshold is found. Previously, empty objects were wrongly saved in the corresponding containers. Due to this modification, the TOB counts are expected to change.
  • In the gFex jet EDM, the phi() method that returns the floating values of the tob phi has been modified. The method now returns the coordinate phi according to the ATLAS convention (phi in [-pi, pi]).
  • In the gFex jet EDM, the phi_gFex() method has been added. The method returns the phi values according to the convention used by gFex (phi in [0, 2pi]).

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