Preliminary implementation of track selection algorithm for primary vertex...
This MR has preliminary changes for implementation of track selection algorithm for primary vertex tracks at trigger level. These primary vertex tracks are used to reconstruct variable radius (VR) track jets. The track selection is run only if the flag doVRJets
is set to true, whose default value is false. The VR track jet reconstruction is also run only if the same flag is set to true. So these changes should not affect the existing code.
Right now the pv0 track selection is run for all jet chains. In the future MR, perhaps this behavior needs to be changed. Additionally, the MET code also seems to use JetFSTrackingSequence
, which means when the flag doVRJets
is set to true, the pv0 track selection will run for MET chains as well. So, this behavior also needs to be taken into account in the future MR. Finally, in the future MR the pv0 track selection will probably run over JetSelectedTracks_ftf
which are already built for standard tracks rather than by creating entirely new tracks JetSelectedTracks_trackSelOpt_ftf
for the track jets. This can easily been done by adding DecorDeps
to the trackselalg
defined here and switching to using trackselalg
rather than trackseljetalg