DerivationFrameworkTau and DFPhys: add tau WP decorator wrapper for eVeto fix
This MR is a resubmission of !51113 (closed) prepared by @ghamity with a few extra features. It is implementing a wrapper that recomputes the working points of the tau-electron veto, as a problem was found in the original eVeto WP calibration files used for the Run2 R22 reprocessing (ATLTAU-1800). The new calibration files are already on cvmfs. The wrapper is scheduled via a addTauWPDecoration function in TauCommon and has been added to PHYS(LITE). The four new variables (3 char and a float) are added to the tau smart slimming list.
I checked that when using the original calibration files in the wrapper, the new and old decorations are identical. Also, diff-root finds no other changes than the expected ones:
Py:diff-root WARNING the following variables exist only in the new file !
Py:diff-root WARNING - [TauJetsAuxDyn.EleRNNLoose_v1]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [TauJetsAuxDyn.EleRNNMedium_v1]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [TauJetsAuxDyn.EleRNNTight_v1]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [TauJetsAuxDyn.RNNEleScoreSigTrans_v1]
Adding the "urgent" flag as this fix is required for the upcoming production of PHYS(LITE) expected imminently ( ATLASDPD-1680).
Cheers, Bertrand