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Enable MuonMon in all runs for M12 and disable BjetMon for non-collisions beam types [ATR-25036]

This change will enable monitoring of HLT muons for all data types. This is safe despite ATR-23720 since HLT muons do not have monGroups implemented yet. This change is needed for M12.

This change will also disable HLT b-jet monitoring in all runs which are not collision runs. This solves the problem of cosmics monitoring described in ATR-25036.

The code has been tested on:

  • an input RAW file from the pilot beam, which does not crash, but we cannot see any muon chains because of unsolved problems elsewhere. There are folders under MuonMon though. All other signatures are disabled.
  • the cosmics ART test . This gives some histograms in the MuonMon folder, no b-jet histograms and no crash.
  • the AOD from a recent nightly, x86_64-centos7-gcc11-opt/2022-03-12T2101/TrigP1Test/test_trigP1_v1PhysP1_T0Mon_build. This gives some non-empty bjet histograms and non-empty muon histograms (and the other signatures have folders).

This is marked URGENT so that it can meet the coding deadline of 14 March.

CC @demers , @jferrand, @sara, @ytakubo, @astruebi, @palacino, @tamartin

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