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changes listed in ATR-25198

Gianantonio Pezzullo requested to merge gipezzul/athena:dev into master
  • Move Ymumu and TLA dimuon chains back to Dev -- non final
  • Correct label of HLT_e26_lhtight_gsf_L1EM22VHI, mysteriously labeled as MultiElectron
  • Move 'hiptrt' triggers to MC menu, selection is defined but still to be fully validated
  • Move new primary displaced lepton candidate (HLT_e30_lhloose_nopix_lrtmedium_L1EM22VHI, backup HLT_e35_lhloose_nopix_lrtmedium_L1EM22VHI) to MC (ATR-25148) pending unique rate checks
  • Remove HLT_e25_mergedtight_g35_medium_Heg_L12EM20VH -- served its purpose as validation
  • Move bBmux triggers to MC for now, rates are too high
  • Use predefined SupportLegGroup and SupportPhIGroup when setting the groups for HLT_larpsall_L1J15 and HLT_larpsall_L1jJ40 respectively (just to make the code searching easier/more consistent) Now to be removed
  • Remove MuonJet group from HLT_mu3vtx_L12MU8F
  • Edit ATR-23153: move HLT_mu6_LRT_idperf_L1MU5VF from Dev to Physics, to be relabeled from DevGroup to SupportGroup
Edited by Gianantonio Pezzullo

Merge request reports
