Draft: Example HLT han config with regexes (bjet)
I try to implement regexes for the han config ( see https://gitlab.cern.ch/atlas/athena/-/blob/master/DataQuality/DataQualityInterfaces/share/histogramAnalysisRegex.config ) in an HLT setting using bjets as an example. The attached changes in HLT/HLTbjets show a minimal example. The bjets signature HIST file follows this structure:
All histograms are placed in one of the subfolders Shifter, Expert or Offline. In Shifter and Expert, the structure is the following:
i.e. there are many subfolders with different names based on their chain names. Under each chain subfolder there are the same sets of histograms, but suffixed with the chain name.
When I run this, I get no compilation warning, but a segmentation violation, see the attached files: error2_minimal.txt (error message) mylog.txt(log file).
To reproduce, check out my code, compile and run
DQWebDisplay.py data18_13TeV.00310000.physics_Main.HIST.d220228.root TestDisplay 123 0 stream=physics_Main> mylog.txt &
The input root file can be found here:
The root file comes from the nightly test
where the file is called ExampleMonitorOutput.root
(no longer available in eos, but any recent nightly should also work).