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TauTrig : remove LC energy calibration tool schedule

Antonio De Maria requested to merge ademaria/athena:remove_lctopo_cal into master

Remove LC energy calibration in HLT tau reconstruction since:

  • calibration was meant to be used for non MVA TES calibrated chains -> we don't have this type of chains anymore in the tau trigger menu
  • LC calibration is currently overwritten by MVA TES calibration

Few count differences in tracktwoMVABDT/tracktwoLLP chains are expected since LC calibrated tau pt was used in the BDT training in R21.3 -> new R22 calibration is expected in the next weeks and only MVA TES calibrated kinematic variables will be used in the new training.

Tagging @iriu, @gipezzul, @martindl, @adsalvad

Edited by Antonio De Maria

Merge request reports
