Draft: DerivationFrameworkPhys and DerivationFrameworkMCTruth: add back DFCommonTruthGenFilter and DFCommonTruthQGLabelTool
This MR adds back two tools in the truth derivation framework that are scheduled in 21.2 but are currently not scheduled in master: DFCommonTruthGenFilter
and DFCommonTruthQGLabelTool
. Two EventInfo
decorations coming from DFCommonTruthGenFilter
are added to the PHYS and PHYSLITE output: GenFiltHT
and GenFiltMET
. These are needed in order to combine inclusive MC samples with HT- and MET-sliced extensions, for e.g. ttbar and single-top. I dropped hardScatterVertexLink
from the SlimmingHelper.ExtraVariables
because it is part of the EventInfo
smart slimming list. TrueFlavor
comes from DFCommonTruthQGLabelTool
diff-root finds the following changes:
Py:diff-root INFO comparing over [50] entries...
Py:diff-root WARNING the following variables exist only in the new file !
Py:diff-root WARNING - [AntiKt4TruthDressedWZJetsAuxDyn.TrueFlavor]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [EventInfoAuxDyn.GenFiltHT]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [EventInfoAuxDyn.GenFiltMET]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [TruthTausAuxDyn.eta_vis_dressed]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [TruthTausAuxDyn.m_vis_dressed]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [TruthTausAuxDyn.nPhotons_dressed]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [TruthTausAuxDyn.phi_vis_dressed]
Py:diff-root WARNING - [TruthTausAuxDyn.pt_vis_dressed]
Py:diff-root INFO comparing [1855] leaves over entries...
Py:diff-root INFO Found [867229] identical leaves
Py:diff-root INFO Found [0] different leaves
Py:diff-root INFO all good.
Interestingly, the truth tau decorations that (re)appear were supposed to be present already, but with the else: augmentationToolsList = []
statement, DFCommonTruthTauDressingTool
was purged from augmentationToolsList
, it's now back.
I added the 'urgent' flag in case this MR can still make it for the upcoming DAOD_PHYS production expected imminently.
Cheers, Bertrand