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TauTrig : adding MET+tau Primary chains with Phase1 + remove unused properties in TrigTauRecMerged (ATR-25124)

Antonio De Maria requested to merge ademaria/athena:mettau_ph1 into master

This MR will add Primary/Support tau+MET chains using Phase-1 L1 :

HLT_tau50_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_xe80_tcpufit_xe50_cell_L1jXE100 HLT_tau50_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVA_xe80_pfopufit_xe50_cell_L1jXE100 HLT_tau50_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVABDT_xe80_tcpufit_xe50_cell_L1jXE100 HLT_tau50_mediumRNN_tracktwoMVABDT_xe80_pfopufit_xe50_cell_L1jXE100

Take also the opportunity to remove unused properties in TrigTauRecMerged code

Tagging @khoo and @sshaw from the menu side and @iriu, @gipezzul, @martindl, @carquin from the tau trigger side

Merge request reports
