High Eta Tau Fix
Fix an issue with eFEX taus where TOBs were not being created at highest eta values. This caused an inefficiency in HLT triggers wrt offline taus as documented on slide 7 here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1142008/contributions/4792145/attachments/2420975/4146571/Slides_TauTrigger_ADM.pdf
This was due to the fact that at these eta values we are on the edge of eFEX and therefore the central tower is not fully surrounded. If we were to run the algorithm we would be checking non-existent towers and failing. Now we pass the eFEX and FPGA IDs into the algorithm so it is aware of when it is in an edge environment. When that is the case it defaults non-existent cell energies to zero in TOB energy and isolation calculations.
Trigger reference counts are also being updated. Note that tau counts should strictly increase as a result of this change.