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B-physics trigger: use GSF electron in bBeeM6000 chains by default (ATR-25223)

Vladimir Lyubushkin requested to merge lyubushk/athena:master-bBee into master

Add an option to the getPrecisionGSFElectron step in order to proivide correct initialization of the bBeeM6000 chains. Fix issue related to !51906 (merged)

CC @bernius Dear Catrin, I have to add two containers to the EDM, namely HLT_DiElecPrecisionGSF and HLT_NoMuonDiElecPrecisionGSF No increase of the EDM size is expected, since it is just a relocation of part BLS dielectron vertices from HLT_DiElecPrecision to HLT_DiElecPrecisionGSF

Edited by Vladimir Lyubushkin

Merge request reports
