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B-physics trigger: move bBmux chains from MC_pp_run3_v1 to Physics_pp_run3_v1 menu and add CPS groups for dimuon chains

Vladimir Lyubushkin requested to merge lyubushk/athena:master-bBmux into master
  1. we found the trigger rates have significantly dropped down after adding the vertex cascade fit to bBmux chains, see table at ATR-24275 the bBmux chains are expected to be prescaled with factor ~5

  2. add coherent prescale groups for the dimuon triggers, namely:

  1. add two support chains: 'HLT_2mu4_l2io_invmDimu_L1BPH-2M9-0DR15-2MU3V' and 'HLT_2mu4_l2io_invmDimu_L1BPH-2M9-0DR15-2MU3VF'

tagging @abarton @sshaw @khoo please let me know if return of the bBmux chains to Physics_pp menu is ok with you

Edited by Vladimir Lyubushkin

Merge request reports
