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NSW RDO data time window for pileup

Alexandre Laurier requested to merge alaurier/athena:NSW_RDO_time into master

Applying a time cut in the Digit->RDO conversion to emulate the same time window used for data. In the case of the MM, the data ranges 8BC, which for current digitization conditions is the range of time = [200, 400]ns. For sTGCs, the data ranges 8BC with the relative point being 12.5ns in BC0, resulting in t = [-87.5, 112.5]ns.

Applying this time cut at these stages allow for proper pileup simulation, while reducing the size of the RDO files and makes sure that the different algorithms downstream from digitization uses the correct time windows.

Before merging, it's probably best to receive approval from the sTGC and MM simulation responsibles. @chchau @pscholer @rosati

Merge request reports
