ATLASRECTS-7033: Produce final xAOD::Truth from TruthEvent (no GEN_AOD).
ATLASRECTS-7033: Produce final xAOD::Truth from TruthEvent (no GEN_AOD).
Still leave the creation of the EtaPt filtered GEN_AOD and SpclMC in the old style RecExCommon .
This makes the TruthParticles , TruthEvents etc be the same between old (RecExCommon) and new config (CA).
The difference is coming from creating them from the EtaPt thinned MC input (GEN_AOD) or the Full (TruthEvent).
(The filter is this Given we now do GeantTruthThinning and we do not pile-up truth the diff in size in q443 at least does not seem great.
Anyhow this is one way to handle the discrepancies.
I added some comments on what happens in the old config.
Alternatively we need to add the filter TruthEvent
step in the CA .