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set hmt reference trigger to sptrk_L1RD0

Merged Sarka Todorova requested to merge todorova/athena:master-trig_mb_hmt_ref into master
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@@ -108,8 +108,9 @@ def TrigMinBiasEff(flags):
# monitor first hmt w.r.t sptrk
triggerAndRef += [ _c(hmt[0], "HLT_mb_sptrk_L1RD0_FILLED", xmax=_trk(hmt[0])+30)]
# group set the ref for each trigger to be one of lower threshold
triggerAndRef += [ _c(chain, ref, xmin=_trk(chain)-20, xmax=_trk(chain)+50) for chain,ref in zip(hmt[1:], hmt) ]
# group set the ref for each trigger to be one of lower threshold : ordering of chains needs to be reviewed
# triggerAndRef += [ _c(chain, ref, xmin=_trk(chain)-20, xmax=_trk(chain)+50) for chain,ref in zip(hmt[1:], hmt) ]
triggerAndRef += [ _c(chain, "HLT_mb_sptrk_L1RD0_FILLED", xmin=_trk(chain)-20, xmax=_trk(chain)+50) for chain in hmt[1:] ]
# pu suppressing trigger should be monitored using trigger of the same threshold w/o pu suppression
pusup = [c for c in mbChains if '_hmt_' in c and '_pusup' in c]