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Draft: Example of full config for Ondrej

ping @otheiner, as perhaps is easier to kind of give you a proper working example than try to write "e-mail" code. I do not plan to un-draft my self, I somehow expect you to take the "lead" here.

This is a full configuration. You can omit "blocks" as I wrote but I put everything so to get a feeling . I think you really need only the lines I comment as really used for the calls you hit, but OK in the future things could change and have the full prb does not hurt either, your call.

On the actual thing that matters here : If you change 1e-05 to 1e-02 which I assume what you want (look for STEP tolerance Tolerance = 0.01 (default: 1e-05)).

I checked the CI that not changing tolerance aka leaving it 1e-05 is green. Changing tolerance gives +/-1 in certain chains. I expect that this is quite possible since at some level the output will change here, but this goes to you QT study which you prb know more about than I do ;)

/***** Private AlgTool Trk::ParticleCaloExtensionTool/HLTPF_ParticleCaloExtension ******************
|-AuditFinalize           = False
|-AuditInitialize         = False
|-AuditReinitialize       = False
|-AuditRestart            = False
|-AuditStart              = False
|-AuditStop               = False
|-AuditTools              = False
|-CaloSurfaceBuilder      = PrivateToolHandle('')
|-DetStore                = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
|-EvtStore                = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
|-ExtraInputs             = []  (default: [])
|-ExtraOutputs            = []  (default: [])
|-ExtrapolationDetectorID = 3
|-Extrapolator            = PrivateToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/pflowFastExtrapolator')  (default: '')
|-MonitorService          = 'MonitorSvc'
|-OutputLevel             = 0
|-ParticleType            = 'muon'
|-StartFromPerigee        = False
|=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::Extrapolator/pflowFastExtrapolator *************************************
| |-ApplyMaterialEffects                = True
| |-AuditFinalize                       = False
| |-AuditInitialize                     = False
| |-AuditReinitialize                   = False
| |-AuditRestart                        = False
| |-AuditStart                          = False
| |-AuditStop                           = False
| |-AuditTools                          = False
| |-CacheLastMaterialLayer              = False
| |-CheckForCompoundLayers              = False
| |-ConsiderMuonStationOverlaps         = False
| |-DetStore                            = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| |-DetailedNavigationOutput            = False
| |-DumpCache                           = False
| |-EnergyLossUpdators                  = PrivateToolHandleArray([])
| |-EvtStore                            = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| |-ExtendedLayerSearch                 = True
| |-ExtraInputs                         = []  (default: [])
| |-ExtraOutputs                        = []  (default: [])
| |-HelpOutput                          = False
| |-InitialLayerAttempts                = 3
| |-MagneticFieldProperties             = False
| |-MaterialEffectsOnTrackProviderIndex = 0
| |-MaterialEffectsOnTrackValidation    = False
| |-MaterialEffectsUpdators             = PrivateToolHandleArray(['Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator'])
| |                                     (default: '[]')
| |-MaximalMethodSequence               = 2000
| |-MonitorService                      = 'MonitorSvc'
| |-MultipleScatteringUpdators          = PrivateToolHandleArray([])
| |-NavigationStatisticsOutput          = False
| |-Navigator                           = PrivateToolHandle('Trk::Navigator/AtlasNavigator')
| |-OutputLevel                         = 0
| |-Propagators                         = PrivateToolHandleArray(['Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/pflowRungeKuttaPropagator','Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator'])
| |                                     (default: '[]')
| |-ReferenceMaterial                   = False
| |-RequireMaterialDestinationHit       = False
| |-ResolveMultilayers                  = True
| |-ResolveMuonStation                  = False
| |-RobustSampling                      = True
| |-STEP_Propagator                     = PrivateToolHandle('Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator')
| |                                     (default: 'Trk::STEP_Propagator/AtlasSTEP_Propagator')
| |-SearchLevelClosestParameters        = 10
| |-SkipInitialPostUpdate               = False
| |-StopWithNavigationBreak             = False
| |-StopWithUpdateKill                  = False
| |-SubMEUpdators                       = ['pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator']
| |                                     (default: [])
| |-SubPropagators                      = ['pflowRungeKuttaPropagator', 'pflowRungeKuttaPropagator', 'pflowFastSTEP_Propagator', 'pflowFastSTEP_Propagator', 'pflowFastSTEP_Propagator', 'pflowRungeKuttaPropagator']
| |                                     (default: [])
| |-SuccessiveLayerAttempts             = 1
| |-Tolerance                           = 0.002
| |-UseDenseVolumeDescription           = True
| |-UseMuonMatApproximation             = False
| |-positionOutput                      = True
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::Navigator/AtlasNavigator ***********************************************
| | |-AuditFinalize                = False
| | |-AuditInitialize              = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize            = False
| | |-AuditRestart                 = False
| | |-AuditStart                   = False
| | |-AuditStop                    = False
| | |-AuditTools                   = False
| | |-DetStore                     = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-EvtStore                     = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs                  = []  (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs                 = []  (default: [])
| | |-InsideVolumeTolerance        = 1.0
| | |-IsOnSurfaceTolerance         = 0.005
| | |-MagneticFieldProperties      = False
| | |-MonitorService               = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-OutputLevel                  = 0
| | |-SearchWithDistanceToSurface  = True
| | |-TrackingGeometryKey          = DataHandle('AtlasTrackingGeometry','R','Trk::TrackingGeometry')
| | |                              (default: 'ConditionStore+AtlasTrackingGeometry')
| | |-TrackingGeometrySvc          = ServiceHandle('AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc')
| | |-UseStraightLineApproximation = False
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::Navigator/AtlasNavigator) --------------------------------------
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator *******************************
| | |-AtlasFieldCacheCondObj  = DataHandle('ConditionStore+fieldCondObj','R','AtlasFieldCacheCondObj')
| | |-AuditFinalize           = False
| | |-AuditInitialize         = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize       = False
| | |-AuditRestart            = False
| | |-AuditStart              = False
| | |-AuditStop               = False
| | |-AuditTools              = False
| | |-DetStore                = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-DetailedEloss           = True
| | |-EnergyLoss              = True
| | |-EvtStore                = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs             = []  (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs            = []  (default: [])
| | |-IncludeBgradients       = True
| | |-IncludeGgradient        = False
| | |-MSstepMax               = 1.0
| | |-MaterialEffects         = True
| | |-MaxPath                 = 100000.0
| | |-MaxSteps                = 10000.0
| | |-MomentumCutOff          = 50.0
| | |-MonitorService          = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-MostProbableEnergyLoss  = False
| | |-MultipleScattering      = True
| | |-MultipleScatteringScale = 1.0
| | |-OutputLevel             = 0
| | |-RandomNumberService     = ServiceHandle('AtDSFMTGenSvc')
| | |-RandomStreamName        = 'FatrasRnd'
| | |-SimMatEffUpdator        = PublicToolHandle('')
| | |-SimulationMode          = False
| | |-Straggling              = True
| | |-StragglingScale         = 1.0
| | |-Tolerance               = 0.01  (default: 1e-05)
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator) ----------------------
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator *******************************
| | |-AtlasFieldCacheCondObj  = DataHandle('ConditionStore+fieldCondObj','R','AtlasFieldCacheCondObj')
| | |-AuditFinalize           = False
| | |-AuditInitialize         = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize       = False
| | |-AuditRestart            = False
| | |-AuditStart              = False
| | |-AuditStop               = False
| | |-AuditTools              = False
| | |-DetStore                = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-DetailedEloss           = True
| | |-EnergyLoss              = True
| | |-EvtStore                = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs             = []  (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs            = []  (default: [])
| | |-IncludeBgradients       = True
| | |-IncludeGgradient        = False
| | |-MSstepMax               = 1.0
| | |-MaterialEffects         = True
| | |-MaxPath                 = 100000.0
| | |-MaxSteps                = 10000.0
| | |-MomentumCutOff          = 50.0
| | |-MonitorService          = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-MostProbableEnergyLoss  = False
| | |-MultipleScattering      = True
| | |-MultipleScatteringScale = 1.0
| | |-OutputLevel             = 0
| | |-RandomNumberService     = ServiceHandle('AtDSFMTGenSvc')
| | |-RandomStreamName        = 'FatrasRnd'
| | |-SimMatEffUpdator        = PublicToolHandle('')
| | |-SimulationMode          = False
| | |-Straggling              = True
| | |-StragglingScale         = 1.0
| | |-Tolerance               = 0.01  (default: 1e-05)
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator) ----------------------
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator *********************
| | |-AuditFinalize                   = False
| | |-AuditInitialize                 = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize               = False
| | |-AuditRestart                    = False
| | |-AuditStart                      = False
| | |-AuditStop                       = False
| | |-AuditTools                      = False
| | |-CheckForCompoundLayers          = False
| | |-DetStore                        = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-EnergyLoss                      = True
| | |-EnergyLossUpdator               = PublicToolHandle('Trk::EnergyLossUpdator/AtlasEnergyLossUpdator')
| | |-EvtStore                        = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs                     = []  (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs                    = []  (default: [])
| | |-ForceMomentum                   = False
| | |-ForcedMomentumValue             = 2000.0
| | |-LandauMode                      = False
| | |-MaximalMomentum                 = 10000000.0
| | |-MinimalMomentum                 = 50.0
| | |-MonitorService                  = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-MostProbableEnergyLoss          = False
| | |-MultipleScattering              = True
| | |-MultipleScatteringUpdator       = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MultipleScatteringUpdator/AtlasMultipleScatteringUpdator')
| | |-OutputLevel                     = 0
| | |-ScreenOutputCorrections         = False
| | |-ScreenOutputValidationDirection = True
| | |-ValidationDirection             = 1
| | |-ValidationIgnoreUnmeasured      = True
| | |-ValidationMaterialMapper        = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MaterialMapper/AtlasMaterialMapper')
| | |-ValidationMode                  = False
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator) ------------
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/pflowRungeKuttaPropagator *************************
| | |-AccuracyParameter      = 0.0002
| | |-AtlasFieldCacheCondObj = DataHandle('ConditionStore+fieldCondObj','R','AtlasFieldCacheCondObj')
| | |-AuditFinalize          = False
| | |-AuditInitialize        = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize      = False
| | |-AuditRestart           = False
| | |-AuditStart             = False
| | |-AuditStop              = False
| | |-AuditTools             = False
| | |-DetStore               = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-EvtStore               = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs            = []  (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs           = []  (default: [])
| | |-IncludeBgradients      = False
| | |-MaxHelixStep           = 1.0
| | |-MaxStraightLineStep    = 0.01
| | |-MonitorService         = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-OutputLevel            = 0
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/pflowRungeKuttaPropagator) ----------------
| \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::Extrapolator/pflowFastExtrapolator) ----------------------------
\----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::ParticleCaloExtensionTool/HLTPF_ParticleCaloExtension) ---------
Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

Merge request reports
