Draft: Example of full config for Ondrej
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ping @otheiner, as perhaps is easier to kind of give you a proper working example than try to write "e-mail" code. I do not plan to un-draft my self, I somehow expect you to take the "lead" here.
This is a full
You can omit "blocks" as I wrote but I put everything so to get a feeling .
I think you really need only the lines I comment as really used for the calls you hit,
but OK in the future things could change and have the full prb does not hurt either, your call.
On the actual thing that matters here : If you change 1e-05
to 1e-02
which I assume what you want (look for STEP tolerance Tolerance = 0.01 (default: 1e-05)
I checked the CI
that not changing tolerance aka leaving it 1e-05
is green.
Changing tolerance gives +/-1
in certain chains. I expect that this is quite possible since at some level
the output will change here, but this goes to you QT study which you prb know more about than I do ;)
/***** Private AlgTool Trk::ParticleCaloExtensionTool/HLTPF_ParticleCaloExtension ******************
|-AuditFinalize = False
|-AuditInitialize = False
|-AuditReinitialize = False
|-AuditRestart = False
|-AuditStart = False
|-AuditStop = False
|-AuditTools = False
|-CaloSurfaceBuilder = PrivateToolHandle('')
|-DetStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
|-EvtStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
|-ExtraInputs = [] (default: [])
|-ExtraOutputs = [] (default: [])
|-ExtrapolationDetectorID = 3
|-Extrapolator = PrivateToolHandle('Trk::Extrapolator/pflowFastExtrapolator') (default: '')
|-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc'
|-OutputLevel = 0
|-ParticleType = 'muon'
|-StartFromPerigee = False
|=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::Extrapolator/pflowFastExtrapolator *************************************
| |-ApplyMaterialEffects = True
| |-AuditFinalize = False
| |-AuditInitialize = False
| |-AuditReinitialize = False
| |-AuditRestart = False
| |-AuditStart = False
| |-AuditStop = False
| |-AuditTools = False
| |-CacheLastMaterialLayer = False
| |-CheckForCompoundLayers = False
| |-ConsiderMuonStationOverlaps = False
| |-DetStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| |-DetailedNavigationOutput = False
| |-DumpCache = False
| |-EnergyLossUpdators = PrivateToolHandleArray([])
| |-EvtStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| |-ExtendedLayerSearch = True
| |-ExtraInputs = [] (default: [])
| |-ExtraOutputs = [] (default: [])
| |-HelpOutput = False
| |-InitialLayerAttempts = 3
| |-MagneticFieldProperties = False
| |-MaterialEffectsOnTrackProviderIndex = 0
| |-MaterialEffectsOnTrackValidation = False
| |-MaterialEffectsUpdators = PrivateToolHandleArray(['Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator'])
| | (default: '[]')
| |-MaximalMethodSequence = 2000
| |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc'
| |-MultipleScatteringUpdators = PrivateToolHandleArray([])
| |-NavigationStatisticsOutput = False
| |-Navigator = PrivateToolHandle('Trk::Navigator/AtlasNavigator')
| |-OutputLevel = 0
| |-Propagators = PrivateToolHandleArray(['Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/pflowRungeKuttaPropagator','Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator'])
| | (default: '[]')
| |-ReferenceMaterial = False
| |-RequireMaterialDestinationHit = False
| |-ResolveMultilayers = True
| |-ResolveMuonStation = False
| |-RobustSampling = True
| |-STEP_Propagator = PrivateToolHandle('Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator')
| | (default: 'Trk::STEP_Propagator/AtlasSTEP_Propagator')
| |-SearchLevelClosestParameters = 10
| |-SkipInitialPostUpdate = False
| |-StopWithNavigationBreak = False
| |-StopWithUpdateKill = False
| |-SubMEUpdators = ['pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator', 'pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator']
| | (default: [])
| |-SubPropagators = ['pflowRungeKuttaPropagator', 'pflowRungeKuttaPropagator', 'pflowFastSTEP_Propagator', 'pflowFastSTEP_Propagator', 'pflowFastSTEP_Propagator', 'pflowRungeKuttaPropagator']
| | (default: [])
| |-SuccessiveLayerAttempts = 1
| |-Tolerance = 0.002
| |-UseDenseVolumeDescription = True
| |-UseMuonMatApproximation = False
| |-positionOutput = True
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::Navigator/AtlasNavigator ***********************************************
| | |-AuditFinalize = False
| | |-AuditInitialize = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize = False
| | |-AuditRestart = False
| | |-AuditStart = False
| | |-AuditStop = False
| | |-AuditTools = False
| | |-DetStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-EvtStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-InsideVolumeTolerance = 1.0
| | |-IsOnSurfaceTolerance = 0.005
| | |-MagneticFieldProperties = False
| | |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-OutputLevel = 0
| | |-SearchWithDistanceToSurface = True
| | |-TrackingGeometryKey = DataHandle('AtlasTrackingGeometry','R','Trk::TrackingGeometry')
| | | (default: 'ConditionStore+AtlasTrackingGeometry')
| | |-TrackingGeometrySvc = ServiceHandle('AtlasTrackingGeometrySvc')
| | |-UseStraightLineApproximation = False
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::Navigator/AtlasNavigator) --------------------------------------
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator *******************************
| | |-AtlasFieldCacheCondObj = DataHandle('ConditionStore+fieldCondObj','R','AtlasFieldCacheCondObj')
| | |-AuditFinalize = False
| | |-AuditInitialize = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize = False
| | |-AuditRestart = False
| | |-AuditStart = False
| | |-AuditStop = False
| | |-AuditTools = False
| | |-DetStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-DetailedEloss = True
| | |-EnergyLoss = True
| | |-EvtStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-IncludeBgradients = True
| | |-IncludeGgradient = False
| | |-MSstepMax = 1.0
| | |-MaterialEffects = True
| | |-MaxPath = 100000.0
| | |-MaxSteps = 10000.0
| | |-MomentumCutOff = 50.0
| | |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-MostProbableEnergyLoss = False
| | |-MultipleScattering = True
| | |-MultipleScatteringScale = 1.0
| | |-OutputLevel = 0
| | |-RandomNumberService = ServiceHandle('AtDSFMTGenSvc')
| | |-RandomStreamName = 'FatrasRnd'
| | |-SimMatEffUpdator = PublicToolHandle('')
| | |-SimulationMode = False
| | |-Straggling = True
| | |-StragglingScale = 1.0
| | |-Tolerance = 0.01 (default: 1e-05)
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator) ----------------------
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator *******************************
| | |-AtlasFieldCacheCondObj = DataHandle('ConditionStore+fieldCondObj','R','AtlasFieldCacheCondObj')
| | |-AuditFinalize = False
| | |-AuditInitialize = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize = False
| | |-AuditRestart = False
| | |-AuditStart = False
| | |-AuditStop = False
| | |-AuditTools = False
| | |-DetStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-DetailedEloss = True
| | |-EnergyLoss = True
| | |-EvtStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-IncludeBgradients = True
| | |-IncludeGgradient = False
| | |-MSstepMax = 1.0
| | |-MaterialEffects = True
| | |-MaxPath = 100000.0
| | |-MaxSteps = 10000.0
| | |-MomentumCutOff = 50.0
| | |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-MostProbableEnergyLoss = False
| | |-MultipleScattering = True
| | |-MultipleScatteringScale = 1.0
| | |-OutputLevel = 0
| | |-RandomNumberService = ServiceHandle('AtDSFMTGenSvc')
| | |-RandomStreamName = 'FatrasRnd'
| | |-SimMatEffUpdator = PublicToolHandle('')
| | |-SimulationMode = False
| | |-Straggling = True
| | |-StragglingScale = 1.0
| | |-Tolerance = 0.01 (default: 1e-05)
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::STEP_Propagator/pflowFastSTEP_Propagator) ----------------------
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator *********************
| | |-AuditFinalize = False
| | |-AuditInitialize = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize = False
| | |-AuditRestart = False
| | |-AuditStart = False
| | |-AuditStop = False
| | |-AuditTools = False
| | |-CheckForCompoundLayers = False
| | |-DetStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-EnergyLoss = True
| | |-EnergyLossUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::EnergyLossUpdator/AtlasEnergyLossUpdator')
| | |-EvtStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-ForceMomentum = False
| | |-ForcedMomentumValue = 2000.0
| | |-LandauMode = False
| | |-MaximalMomentum = 10000000.0
| | |-MinimalMomentum = 50.0
| | |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-MostProbableEnergyLoss = False
| | |-MultipleScattering = True
| | |-MultipleScatteringUpdator = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MultipleScatteringUpdator/AtlasMultipleScatteringUpdator')
| | |-OutputLevel = 0
| | |-ScreenOutputCorrections = False
| | |-ScreenOutputValidationDirection = True
| | |-ValidationDirection = 1
| | |-ValidationIgnoreUnmeasured = True
| | |-ValidationMaterialMapper = PublicToolHandle('Trk::MaterialMapper/AtlasMaterialMapper')
| | |-ValidationMode = False
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator/pflowMaterialEffectsUpdator) ------------
| |=/***** Private AlgTool Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/pflowRungeKuttaPropagator *************************
| | |-AccuracyParameter = 0.0002
| | |-AtlasFieldCacheCondObj = DataHandle('ConditionStore+fieldCondObj','R','AtlasFieldCacheCondObj')
| | |-AuditFinalize = False
| | |-AuditInitialize = False
| | |-AuditReinitialize = False
| | |-AuditRestart = False
| | |-AuditStart = False
| | |-AuditStop = False
| | |-AuditTools = False
| | |-DetStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore')
| | |-EvtStore = ServiceHandle('StoreGateSvc')
| | |-ExtraInputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-ExtraOutputs = [] (default: [])
| | |-IncludeBgradients = False
| | |-MaxHelixStep = 1.0
| | |-MaxStraightLineStep = 0.01
| | |-MonitorService = 'MonitorSvc'
| | |-OutputLevel = 0
| | \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/pflowRungeKuttaPropagator) ----------------
| \----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::Extrapolator/pflowFastExtrapolator) ----------------------------
\----- (End of Private AlgTool Trk::ParticleCaloExtensionTool/HLTPF_ParticleCaloExtension) ---------