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Draft: Updated EGamma ES chains and removed ES for PEB B-phys Jpsi chains

Giulia Gonella requested to merge ggonella/athena:ATR-24367_ESupdates into 22.0
  • Updated EGamma ES chains: removed outdated and added chains from final request.
  • Removed ES for PEB B-phys Jpsi chains (still need to add respective non-PEB).

From ATR-24367.

Tagging @cjmeyer and @jodafons for EGamma Tagging @shanisch (some new ES chains are missing monGroup, following up on ATR-24367)

Note: ctest TriggerMenuMT_HLT_Dev_pp_run3_v1_ctest and test_trigAna_RDOtoRDOTrig_v1Dev_build, test_trigP1_v1Dev_decodeBS_build, test_trig_data_v1Dev_build failing before modifications for different reasons.

Edited by Giulia Gonella

Merge request reports
