Enlarge CALO envelope to hold JMPlug
With the addition of the HGTD the MBTS folder in LAr GeoModel tags has been removed. This folder held in addition to the actual MBTS the JM disk and JM tube. The HGTD has two moderators that replace the JM disk. But the JM tube will remain unchanged in Phase-II. A new LAr GeoModel tag (LAr-Revised-20) has the JM tube inserted back with fixes to the geometry of the tube. In addition the JM plug that was never implemented in GeoModel was introduced in the same tag. The JM plug is not fitting in the previously assumed CALO envelope. The MR fixes the CALO envelope to be able to hold the JM plug and tube. This was tested with the RadiationMapsMaker which needed a new configuration to be able to use it with Sim_tf.py --CA. Attached is a geantino scan density plot of the JM tube and plug region (the L-shaped object in orange between the LAr calorimeter and the beam pipe consisting of moderator and thin Al inner cover). The scan was made with the changes proposed here.JMTube_and_Plug_rel22_LAr-Revised-20.pdf