Draft: Add seed truth matching
Integrates @iene seed truth matching into master (https://indico.cern.ch/event/1138268/contributions/4775652/attachments/2418800/4140495/033122-trk_paper_seed_updates_iene.pdf).
The following quantities are added to the seed maker validation ntuple:
- actualMu -- the actual number of interactions per crossing, according to event info.
- truthBarcode -- the barcode of the truth particle matched to the seed.
- truthProb -- the fraction of clusters associated with the seed that are matched with the truth particle.
Matching occurs as described in the reference linked above. Multi truth collection names were updated for ITk.
This extra information can be used to make seed-level efficiency, fake rate, etc. plots. For example, using 100 GeV single-muon samples: