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TrigHypoCommonTools: Update MT calculation

Bertrand Martin Dit Latour requested to merge martindl/athena:R22_MT_update into 22.0


This is a resubmission of !54456 (closed) with an updated reference file, to maximise our chances to have this merged in time for the MC21a release (22.0.72) expected imminently. The changes are otherwise the same as in the original MR from @bcarlson .

Pasting the original description for completeness:

The transverse mass calculation used was updated to reflect common practice at hadron colliders. In the previous iteration, the mass calculation used is not common at hadron colliders, as it does not give a peak at the parent particle mass. The updated version reflects the recommendation of PDG 49.6, and is relevant for decays such as W->e,nu (or H->yyd) where part of the decay is invisible. The common expression is:


This update is now reflected in the hypo calculation.

ATR-21565 ATR-24946

Cheers, Bertrand

Merge request reports