Tau trigger EDM updates
This MR is making the following adjustments to tau trigger EDM:
- the tau clusters and tau vertex containers are currently written in AODCOMM mode, but these containers are required for tau algorithm tunings, so they are moved to AODFULL
- we are missing the
cluster moment, which is used by vertexed clusters in the recalculation of eta/phi. There is a suspicion that this is causing irreproducibility in the tau ID tuning when we recompute cluster-based HLT variables at AOD level (this cluster moment is available at HLT runtime, but in the AOD it's not and a value of 0 is silently used). The moment is added to TriggerEDMRun3 as it's not part of the static Aux EDM (CaloClusterTrigAuxContainer), and declared as a new float decoration in TriggerEDMAuxAccessors.
Using a test AOD from test_trigAna_RDOtoAOD_v1Dev_grid.py,
checkFile AOD.pool.root | grep CENTER_MAG
37.742 kb 13.068 kb 0.016 kb 0.000 800 (B) ForwardElectronClustersAuxDyn.CENTER_MAG
153.247 kb 53.829 kb 0.067 kb 0.000 800 (B) TauPi0ClustersAuxDyn.CENTER_MAG
841.454 kb 321.733 kb 0.402 kb 0.000 800 (B) HLT_TopoCaloClustersLCAuxDyn.CENTER_MAG
1466.735 kb 449.258 kb 0.562 kb 0.000 800 (B) CaloCalTopoClustersAuxDyn.CENTER_MAG
1322.219 kb 1139.650 kb 1.425 kb 0.000 800 (B) JetETMissNeutralParticleFlowObjectsAuxDyn.CENTER_MAG
Tagging @iriu , @gipezzul , @ademaria .
Cheers, Bertrand
Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour