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add Kalman seed selection for AFP

Petr Balek requested to merge pbalek/athena:afp-add-kalman-seed-selection into 22.0

Add a selection before two clusters are combined into a seed for the AFP Kalman reconstruction. Similar selection is already implemented in "LinReg" algorithm:

This reduces amount of reconstructed tracks by a factor of 30-100 in the events with especially large amount of seeds. Rejected (or more precisely "never-created") tracks have large slope, so they wouldn't be likely reconstructed as an AFP proton anyway.

Violates frozen Tier-0 policy: Content of AFPTrackContainer and consequently AFPProtonContainer and AFPVertexContainer will be changed. Events with low multiplicity of AFP hits will be affected very little. Events with high multiplicity of AFP hits will have less AFP tracks reconstructed.

Closes ATLASRECTS-7131

Tagging @ladamczy

Edited by Petr Balek

Merge request reports
