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Update trigger references for HLT enabling

In preparation for the enabling of the HLT, the following changes to the han config would be good [ATR-25776]:

Updates of the HLT signatures to use a local reference, which points to a HLT reprocessing

Signature Change Comment
HLTbjet uses ATR-25829, HLT_local_reference
HLTbphys uses ATR-25829, HLT_local_reference
HLTcalo No change, uses HLT_calo_reference and ATR-25680 Updated to ATR-25829
HLTegamma uses ATR-25829, HLT_local_reference
HLTglobal uses ATR-25829, definition of HLT_local_reference here
HLTidtrk No change, uses HLTidt_local_reference and ATR-25680 Updated to ATR-25829
HLTjet uses ATR-25829, HLT_local_reference
HLTmet uses ATR-25829, HLT_local_reference
HLTminbias updated to a copy of kciesla-22.0-minbias-han-update Updated to ATR-25829
HLTmuon uses ATR-25829, HLT_local_reference
HLTtau uses ATR-25829, HLT_local_reference

Webdisplay here: (HLT only, data and reference the same).

For L1: The CentrallyManagedReference_Trigger has been updated to run 424070, a 900 GeV run used as reference by the rest of ATLAS.
Here data is the L1+HLT reprocessing of ATR-25511.

Notifying @damazio , @dbakshig for the HLT calo question, @nagano , @hartj , @sutt for the HLT ID question, @tbold , @kciesla , @todorova for the minbias question.

CC @aranzazu , @tamartin , @astruebi , @palacino
Also notifying @sara , @ytakubo since I am altering DataQualityConfigurations/config/common/collisions_run.config

This MR might be affected by the bug discussed in ATLASDQ-953, cc @ponyisi

Edited by Elin Bergeaas Kuutmann

Merge request reports
