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Draft:TrigEgam: Simplifying electron chain config

As our electron menu is growing with lots of variation we want to keep the structure of electron chain configuration as basic as possible so that any new variation can be added as simple plugins on the top of four main electron configuration

 stepDictionary = {

                'etcut'     : ['getFastCalo', fastElectronStep, precisionCaloStep],

                # gsf/nogsf,  gsf/nogsf-lrt
                'fullchain'  : ['getFastCalo', fastElectronStep, precisionCaloStep, precisionTrackingStep, trackRefit, precisionElectronStep],
                # gsf/nogsf-idperf,gsf/nogsf-lrt-idperf
                'idperf'     : ['getFastCalo', fastElectronStep, precisionCaloStep, precisionTrackingStep, trackRefit],

                # fwd sequences
                'etcutfwd' : ['getFastCalo_fwd']
 return stepDictionary

here we are also adding an empty step at the place of trackRefit step for nogsf chains as we see some discrepancies in nogsf (precisionTracking step applying gsf refit in nogsf step). We want to fix this asap and then we would like to further factorize electron step in !54997 (closed) adding @cjmeyer , @safarzad , @fernando

Edited by Debottam Bakshi Gupta

Merge request reports
