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TriggerEDMRun3: Removing HLT_AntiKt4EMTopoJets_subjesgscIS_ftf from AODSLIM

Claire Antel requested to merge cantel/athena:trigjet_moar_slim into 22.0


The HLT jet content in AODSLIM is taking up a large chunk of total file size. A lot of unnecessary data already removed in !54735 (merged) .


Removing another HLT jet (shallow) container from AODSLIM: HLT_AntiKt4EMTopoJets_subjesgscIS_ftf. We still keep HLT_AntiKt4EMTopoJets_subresjesgscIS_ftf (with added "res(idual)" calib step), which is our primary fully calibrated EMTopo+FTF container.


AODSLIM size (slightly) reduced.

Meant to tag @ayana

Edited by Claire Antel

Merge request reports
