Update to new DQ reference run 429027
The MR is to update the collision reference run for the DQ web displays to one of the recent 13.6 TeV collision runs (429027).
The info in CentrallyManagedReferences, CentrallyManagedReferences_Main, CentrallyManagedReferences_Trigger and CentrallyManagedReferences_TriggerMain in DataQuality/DataQualityConfigurations/config/common/collisions_run.config has been updated. And the corresponding root files have been copied to /eos/atlas/atlascerngroupdisk/data-dqm/references/
The RunWorkflowTests_Run3.py has been run and the summary is pasted below. The q449 test fails, but in previous discussion with PROC we were told to ignore this error.
00:20:30 Summarizing all message counts 00:20:30 ===================================================== 00:20:30 Message Source | Level | Count 00:20:30 -----------------------------+---------+------------- 00:20:30 AlgTask | WARNING | 3 00:20:30 AthenaHiveEventLoopMgr | FATAL | 1 00:20:30 AtlasTrackingGeometryCondAlg.AtlasGeometryBuilderCond.MuonTrackingGeometryBuilderCond.MuonStationBuilderCond.MuonStationTypeBuilder| WARNING | 16 00:20:30 AvalancheSchedulerSvc | ERROR | 2 00:20:30 CreateLumiBlockCollectionFromFile| WARNING | 1 00:20:30 DataProxy | WARNING | 1 00:20:30 DetectorStore_Impl | WARNING | 1 00:20:30 GeoModelSvc::RDBMaterialManager| WARNING | 4 00:20:30 LArHVCondAlg | WARNING | 1 00:20:30 MdtCalibDbAlg | WARNING | 1 00:20:30 MdtMonAlg | ERROR | 1 00:20:30 PixelDCSCondTempAlg | WARNING | 3 00:20:30 PrecedenceSvc | WARNING | 1 00:20:30 RPCLv1AnaAlgAlg | ERROR | 2 00:20:30 RegSelCondAlg_RPC | WARNING | 1 00:20:30 RpcTrackAnaAlgAlg | ERROR | 3 00:20:30 SGInputLoader | WARNING | 12 00:20:30 StoreGateSvc | WARNING | 74 00:20:30 TRT_ConditionsSummarySvc | WARNING | 1 00:20:30 TileTMDBRawChanDspMonAlg | ERROR | 2 00:20:30 ToolSvc.InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels| WARNING | 1 00:20:30 TrigDeserialiser | WARNING | 1 00:20:30 xAODConfigSvc | WARNING | 1 00:20:30 ===================================================== 00:20:30 Py:Athena INFO leaving with code 65: "failure in an algorithm execute" INFO ----------------------------------------------------- ERROR RAWtoALL reference test step failed ERROR One or more q449 Athena steps failed. Please investigate the cause.
INFO ----------------------------------------------------- INFO ---------------------- Summary ---------------------- ERROR ALL TESTS: FAILED (10)