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InDetJiveXML: update package to use DataHandles, and cleanup

Liaoshan Shi requested to merge lshi/athena:InDetJiveXML-MT into 22.0

This is one step of updating the JiveXML packages in preparation for AthenaMT.

Update InDetJiveXML to use DataHandles following the example of !49660 (merged). With this MR, the following warnings are gone when running in AthenaMT single thread mode:

RAWtoALL 14:54:49 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING InDet::SiClusterContainer/PixelClusters [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]
RAWtoALL 14:54:49 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING InDet::SiClusterContainer/SCT_Clusters [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]
RAWtoALL 14:54:49 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING PixelRDO_Container/PixelRDOs [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]
RAWtoALL 17:13:05 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING PRD_MultiTruthCollection/PRD_MultiTruthPixel [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]
RAWtoALL 17:13:05 StoreGateSvc                                                   WARNING PRD_MultiTruthCollection/PRD_MultiTruthSCT [JiveXML::AlgoJiveXML/AlgoJiveXML]

Improved the configuration and disable the initialisation of PRD_MultiTruth* keys when the input is not MC. This mitigated the following warnings when running on data:

RAWtoALL 23:23:27 SGInputLoader                                          0     0 WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'PRD_MultiTruthCollection' , 'StoreGateSvc+PRD_MultiTruthTRT' )
RAWtoALL 23:23:27 SGInputLoader                                          0     0 WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'PRD_MultiTruthCollection' , 'StoreGateSvc+PRD_MultiTruthSCT' )
RAWtoALL 23:23:27 SGInputLoader                                          0     0 WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'PRD_MultiTruthCollection' , 'StoreGateSvc+PRD_MultiTruthPixel' )

cc @konstant @emoyse for info.

Edited by Liaoshan Shi

Merge request reports
