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TrigTLAMonitoring: Adding event info and jet specific monitoring

Claire Antel requested to merge cantel/athena:22.0_TLAmoarMon into 22.0


Add further jet-related TLA monitoring histograms:

  • Monitoring of event variables from "HLT_TCEventInfo_TLA" composite container ("NPV", "JetDensityEMPFlow", "JetDensityEMTopo")
  • Monitoring of jet pT at different calibration scales (e.g. "JetPileupScaleMomentum_pt")
  • Monitoring of jet moments (e.g. "EMFrac")
  • Monitoring of jet track moments (e.g. "NumTrkPt1000" - are vectors for which we monitor the first element corresponding to tracks associated to hard scatter vertex)

example output: /afs/

Why 22.0

Needed in 22.0 as package meant for TIER0 monitoring for events in datascouting (TLA) stream.


Only affects TrigTLAMonitoring, which is only executed manually still (not run in any processing).

Edited by Claire Antel

Merge request reports
