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MUCTPI offline DQ Run 3 update

Aimilianos Koulouris requested to merge aikoulou/athena:emil into 22.0

cc @rbielski @czodrows

Modifications in TrigT1CTMonitoring‎ to adapt to the new Run 3 ROD format of the MUCTPI. In the end, this should basically adapt the produced histos in the offline DQ pages (e.g. link)

Other necessary changes done in Helper files, Bits files, and RDO file. Main reason for these is the new fragment format.

Also modified the Han config for cosmics runs, just to first validate that it will run ok the coming days. When ok, will include same mods to the collisions config (if looking ok, perhaps can already add this to this MR?)

More plots may be added in the coming days/weeks, depending on how the currently added ones will work for the experts on-call.

Can add more details, if needed, lmk. Emil

Edited by Aimilianos Koulouris

Merge request reports
