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Setting up Run4 Dev menu for TDAQ Phase-II developments

Catrin Bernius requested to merge bernius/athena:setupDevRun4menu into master

Added Run 4 menus of versions Dev, Physics and MC (with the intention that Physics and MC are kept empty for now). Name chosen to be to avoid having to rename the menu closer to the Run4 start. If you have comments on the name, please let me know.

Mapped to Run 3 L1 menu and added one unit test (TriggerMenuMT_HLT_Dev_pp_run4_v1_HLTReprocessing_prescale_ctest). No test in TrigValidation added so far.

Tagging @ebrost, @khoo , @sshaw , @tamartin , @aranzazu for info and commenting in case something doesn't look right.

Merge request reports
