diff --git a/Tools/PROCTools/data/q445_AOD_diff-exclusion-list.txt b/Tools/PROCTools/data/q445_AOD_diff-exclusion-list.txt
index 2a015b880306e034c869da8d5bd79fe4a6d4651c..853c19473d560c3fa367f17b96a2f6c864944009 100644
--- a/Tools/PROCTools/data/q445_AOD_diff-exclusion-list.txt
+++ b/Tools/PROCTools/data/q445_AOD_diff-exclusion-list.txt
@@ -11,3 +11,7 @@ xTrigDecisionAux(.*)
 # temporarily excluded
+# see ATR-26322:
diff --git a/Tools/PROCTools/data/q445_ESD_diff-exclusion-list.txt b/Tools/PROCTools/data/q445_ESD_diff-exclusion-list.txt
index dce05634db54e5934d543248a18d720ba56f9643..ec9d46f7a8163d2c1f20021f105f238bef6ed2e9 100644
--- a/Tools/PROCTools/data/q445_ESD_diff-exclusion-list.txt
+++ b/Tools/PROCTools/data/q445_ESD_diff-exclusion-list.txt
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ index_ref
+# see ATR-26322:
 # temporarily excluded
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/python/TrigEgammaMonitCategoryMT.py b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/python/TrigEgammaMonitCategoryMT.py
index f8b54976cec4f0dddcdfce75edc79970f36d8da2..5877b0708419f2a30b16430aa9d032943b580d30 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/python/TrigEgammaMonitCategoryMT.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/python/TrigEgammaMonitCategoryMT.py
@@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ monitoring_photon = [
+monitoring_bootstrap = {
+        'HLT_g25_medium_L1EM20VH' : 'HLT_g25_loose_L1EM20VH',
+        'HLT_g35_medium_L1EM20VH' : 'HLT_g25_loose_L1EM20VH',
+        'HLT_g22_tight_L1EM15VHI' : 'HLT_g20_tight_L1EM15VHI',
+        'HLT_g20_tight_icaloloose_L1EM15VHI': 'HLT_g20_tight_L1EM15VHI',
+        }
 monitoring_electron = [
@@ -191,4 +200,4 @@ monitoring_Jpsiee = [
-        ]
\ No newline at end of file
+        ]
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/python/TrigEgammaMonitoringMTConfig.py b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/python/TrigEgammaMonitoringMTConfig.py
index f02b4cd969fa9e1e2a9cd73f0b09042ed6aa125f..08d55e5f5cb1c575c02d8b967bf628349a3b1bea 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/python/TrigEgammaMonitoringMTConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/python/TrigEgammaMonitoringMTConfig.py
@@ -179,17 +179,19 @@ class TrigEgammaMonAlgBuilder:
   def setDefaultProperties(self):
-    from TrigEgammaMonitoring.TrigEgammaMonitCategoryMT import monitoring_photon, monitoring_electron, monitoringTP_electron, monitoring_topo, validation_photon , validation_electron, validationTP_electron, validation_jpsi, validationTP_jpsiee, monitoring_tags, validationTP_electron_eEM 
+    from TrigEgammaMonitoring.TrigEgammaMonitCategoryMT import monitoring_bootstrap, monitoring_photon, monitoring_electron, monitoringTP_electron, monitoring_topo, validation_photon , validation_electron, validationTP_electron, validation_jpsi, validationTP_jpsiee, monitoring_tags, validationTP_electron_eEM 
     if self.pp_mode:
         self.electronList = monitoring_electron
         self.photonList   = monitoring_photon
+        self.bootstrapMap = monitoring_bootstrap
         self.tpList       = monitoringTP_electron + validationTP_electron_eEM 
         self.tagItems     = monitoring_tags 
         self.topoList     = monitoring_topo
     elif self.mc_mode:
         self.electronList = validation_electron # + validation_Zee (no T&P chains yet)
         self.photonList   = validation_photon
+        self.bootstrapMap = {}
         self.tpList       = validationTP_electron + validationTP_electron_eEM 
         self.jpsiList     = validation_jpsi
         self.jpsitagItems = validationTP_jpsiee
@@ -427,6 +429,7 @@ class TrigEgammaMonAlgBuilder:
       self.phMonAlg.PhotonIsEMSelector =[TightPhotonSelector,MediumPhotonSelector,LoosePhotonSelector]
+      self.phMonAlg.BootstrapTriggerMap = self.bootstrapMap
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm.cxx b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm.cxx
index 81bf745ce8d6c7c90741e422e1a3e51acc1d645a..bf829da94902e6fa727738b1eb83aa417a304c73 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm.cxx
@@ -54,22 +54,24 @@ void TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm::fillEfficiencies( const std::vector< st
   for( auto pairObj : pairObjs ){
-    if(pairObj.first->type()==xAOD::Type::Electron){
-      const xAOD::Electron* el = static_cast<const xAOD::Electron *> (pairObj.first);
-      float et = getEt(el)/Gaudi::Units::GeV;
-      if(et < info.etthr-5.0) continue; 
-    }else if(pairObj.first->type()==xAOD::Type::Photon){
-      float et = getCluster_et(pairObj.first)/Gaudi::Units::GeV;
-      if(et < info.etthr-5.0) continue; 
-       if(boost::contains(info.trigger,"icalovloose")) {
-          if (getIsolation_topoetcone20(pairObj.first)/getCluster_et(pairObj.first) >= 0.065) continue; // pass FixedCutLoose offline isolation
-      }
-      else {
-          if ((getIsolation_topoetcone40(pairObj.first)-2450.0)/getCluster_et(pairObj.first) >= 0.022) continue; // pass FixedCutTightCaloOnly offline isolation
-      }
-    } // Offline photon
+	  if(pairObj.first->type()==xAOD::Type::Electron){
+		  const xAOD::Electron* el = static_cast<const xAOD::Electron *> (pairObj.first);
+		  float et = getEt(el)/Gaudi::Units::GeV;
+		  if(et < info.etthr-5.0) continue; 
+	  }else if(pairObj.first->type()==xAOD::Type::Photon){
+		  float et = getCluster_et(pairObj.first)/Gaudi::Units::GeV;
+		  if(et < info.etthr-5.0) continue; 
+		  // Applying FixedCutLoose isolation on the offline photon as recommended  in the twiki:
+		  // https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/AtlasProtected/IsolationSelectionTool#Photons
+		  bool pass_CaloIso = getIsolation_topoetcone20(pairObj.first)/getCluster_et(pairObj.first) < 0.065;
+		  bool pass_trkIso = getIsolation_ptcone20(pairObj.first)/getCluster_et(pairObj.first) < 0.05; 
+		  if (!pass_CaloIso || !pass_trkIso){
+			  continue; // pass FixedCutLoose offline isolation
+		  }
+	  } // Offline photon
@@ -408,7 +410,8 @@ void TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm::fillDistributions( const std::vector< s
   if ( info.signature == "Electron" ){
-      // Fast Electron
+      // L2 Electron
           std::string key = match()->key("FastElectrons");
           if(info.lrt) key = match()->key("FastElectrons_LRT");
@@ -444,20 +447,6 @@ void TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm::fillDistributions( const std::vector< s
           fillTracking( trigger, el_vec, true );
   }else if ( info.signature == "Photon"){
-    // Fast Photon
-      {
-          std::string key = match()->key("FastPhotons");         
-          std::vector<const xAOD::TrigPhoton*> ph_vec;
-          // Get only passed objects
-          auto vec =  tdt()->features<xAOD::TrigPhotonContainer>(trigger,condition,key );      
-          for( auto &featLinkInfo : vec ){
-              if(! featLinkInfo.isValid() ) continue;
-              const auto *feat = *(featLinkInfo.link);
-              if(!feat) continue;
-              ph_vec.push_back(feat);
-          }
-          fillL2Photon( trigger, ph_vec );
-      }
       // HLT Photon
           std::vector<const xAOD::Egamma*> ph_vec;
@@ -592,31 +581,6 @@ void TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm::fillL2Electron(const std::string &trigg
     fill( monGroup, et_col, eta_col, phi_col, highet_col );
-void TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm::fillL2Photon(const std::string &trigger, const std::vector< const xAOD::TrigPhoton* >& ph_vec) const
-    auto monGroup = getGroup(trigger+"_Distributions_L2Photon");
-    std::vector<float> et_vec, eta_vec, phi_vec, highet_vec;
-    auto et_col   = Monitored::Collection("et" , et_vec  ); 
-    auto highet_col   = Monitored::Collection("highet" , highet_vec  );    
-    auto eta_col  = Monitored::Collection("eta", eta_vec );    
-    auto phi_col  = Monitored::Collection("phi", phi_vec );    
-    for ( const auto *ph : ph_vec )
-    {
-      if(!ph)  continue;
-      et_vec.push_back( ph->pt()/Gaudi::Units::GeV );
-      highet_vec.push_back( ph->pt()/Gaudi::Units::GeV );
-      eta_vec.push_back( ph->eta() );
-      phi_vec.push_back( ph->phi() );
-    }
-    fill( monGroup, et_col, eta_col, phi_col, highet_col );
 void TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorithm::fillEFCalo(const std::string &trigger, const std::vector< const xAOD::CaloCluster*>& clus_vec) const
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm.cxx b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm.cxx
index f68dec67e012a4ef31f4c2a780759ee4528ec9df..da1921bfcf6bf5f1e833292d7952a5d56fc7348e 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm.cxx
@@ -481,6 +481,7 @@ float TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm::getE0Eaccordion(const xAOD::Egamma *eg) co
 { float val{-99}; \
     eg->isolationValue(val,xAOD::Iso::_name_); \
     return val; }
+    GETTER(ptcone20)
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm.h b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm.h
index 3a609820d129f4e5f0da1d5984792ba0a20decc5..54cfd997f1dcf501311228ea6ee668406f3d0a3b 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm.h
@@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ class TrigEgammaMonitorBaseAlgorithm : public AthMonitorAlgorithm {
 #undef GETTER
 #define GETTER(_name_) float getIsolation_##_name_(const xAOD::Egamma* eg) const;
+      GETTER(ptcone20)
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm.cxx b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm.cxx
index fb61403d626689a7cceb2b3efec73b6c3b8f4e36..e723fa843024de49345c0b1c7b38b0a89fe55936 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm.cxx
@@ -62,10 +62,31 @@ StatusCode TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext&
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Chains for Analysis " << m_trigList);
     for(const auto& trigger : m_trigList){
         const TrigInfo info = getTrigInfo(trigger);
+		ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Start Chain Analysis ============================= " << trigger << " " << info.trigger);
+		// Check if this trigger is in the bootstrap map
+		auto it = m_BSTrigMap.find(trigger);
+		if  ( it != m_BSTrigMap.end() ) {
+			ATH_MSG_DEBUG( trigger << " is a bootstrapped trigger"); 
+			std::string bootstrap = it->second;
+			ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Bootstrapping " << trigger << " from " << bootstrap ); 
+			if (!tdt()->isPassed(bootstrap)){
+				ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Not passed BS trigger. Skipping! ========================== " << trigger);
+				continue;
+			} else {
+				ATH_MSG_DEBUG("BS trigger passed!");
+			}
+		}
-        ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Start Chain Analysis ============================= " << trigger << " " << info.trigger);
         std::vector< std::pair<std::shared_ptr<const xAOD::Egamma>, const TrigCompositeUtils::Decision * >> pairObjs;
@@ -113,6 +134,7 @@ StatusCode TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm::executeNavigation( const EventConte
   const std::string decor="is"+pidName;
   for(const auto *const eg : *offPhotons ){
       const TrigCompositeUtils::Decision *dec=nullptr; 
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm.h b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm.h
index 498e4e75940a91ca36bf49f9d5feb01c875e8625..a36936bd3eafc1dd2f4081fc9243eccd0645f4d0 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm.h
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigEgammaMonitoring/src/TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm.h
@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ class TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm: public TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorith
     /*! navigation method called by executeNavigation */
     StatusCode executeNavigation(const EventContext& ctx, const std::string& trigItem,float, const std::string& pidName,
                                  std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<const xAOD::Egamma>, const TrigCompositeUtils::Decision*>> &) const;
@@ -42,6 +41,10 @@ class TrigEgammaMonitorPhotonAlgorithm: public TrigEgammaMonitorAnalysisAlgorith
     Gaudi::Property<bool> m_doUnconverted{this, "DoUnconverted", false};
      /*! List of triggers from menu */
     Gaudi::Property<std::vector<std::string>> m_trigInputList{this, "TriggerList", {}};
+    // Stores a map of Bootstrap triggers
+    Gaudi::Property< std::map<std::string, std::string> > m_BSTrigMap{this, "BootstrapTriggerMap", {{"",""}}, "Dictionary of Triggers (as keys) and Bootstraps (value) to configure Bootstrapping of photon triggers" };
     /*! Directory name for each algorithm */
     Gaudi::Property<std::string> m_anatype{this, "Analysis", "Photon"};
     /*! force pid selection into photon navigation */
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.cxx b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.cxx
index dccdec99652cfe1e0f71a4264f82cf75a35282ef..c1ec2172d074c2affa9cd22eb36e7288a4eb3ece 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.cxx
+++ b/Trigger/TrigMonitoring/TrigHLTMonitoring/src/TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm.cxx
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::initialize() {
 StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) const {
   using namespace Monitored;
-  StatusCode sc = StatusCode::FAILURE;
   //Fetch the general tool
   auto tool = getGroup("TrigHLTMonitor");
@@ -46,24 +45,22 @@ StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) co
   // L1 items monitoring
-  std::vector<std::string> L1items = m_trigDecTool->getChainGroup("L1_.*")->getListOfTriggers();
-  unsigned int nL1Items = L1items.size();
+  const std::vector<std::string> L1items = m_trigDecTool->getChainGroup("L1_.*")->getListOfTriggers();
   // Fill. First argument is the tool (GMT) name as defined in the py file, 
   // all others are the variables to be saved.
   // Alternative fill method. Get the group yourself, and pass it to the fill function.
   ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Filling L1Events histogram");
-  for(unsigned int it=0; it<nL1Items; ++it) {
-    if( L1items[it] != "" ) {
-      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("L1Item " << it << " " << L1items[it] );
-      if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(L1items[it])) {
-	/// Fill L1 histogram
-	L1Events = L1items[it];
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("L1Chain " << it << L1items[it]  << " is passed");
-	fill(tool,L1Events);
-      }
+  for(const std::string& l1name : L1items) {
+    // Manually create single-trigger group to avoid regex parsing (ATR-23427)
+    const Trig::ChainGroup* trig = m_trigDecTool->getChainGroup(l1name, TrigDefs::Group::NoRegex);
+    if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(trig)) {
+      /// Fill L1 histogram
+      L1Events = l1name;
+      ATH_MSG_DEBUG("L1Chain " << l1name << " is passed");
+      fill(tool,L1Events);
@@ -122,76 +119,74 @@ StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) co
     //Loop over HLT chains
     ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "Filling HLT" << signaturename << " and RoI information for " << thisregex );
-    std::vector< std::string > chainNames = m_trigDecTool->getChainGroup(thisregex)->getListOfTriggers();
-    unsigned int nHLTChains = chainNames.size();
-    for(unsigned int ith=0; ith<nHLTChains; ++ith) {
-      if( chainNames[ith] != "" ) {
-	ATH_MSG_DEBUG("HLTChain " << ith << " " << chainNames[ith] );  
-	if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(chainNames[ith], TrigDefs::requireDecision)) {
-	  ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "    Chain " << chainNames[ith] << " IS passed");  
-	  /// Fill plain chains histogram
-	  HLT_RAW = chainNames[ith];
-	  fill(tool,HLT_RAW);
-	  //If the chain is prescaled
-	  const TrigConf::HLTChain* c = m_trigDecTool->ExperimentalAndExpertMethods().getChainConfigurationDetails(chainNames[ith]);
-	  float prescale = 0;
-	  if (c) {
-	    prescale = c->prescale();
-	  }
-	  else {
-	    ATH_MSG_WARNING("No chain found in m_trigDecTool->ExperimentalAndExpertMethods().getChainConfigurationDetails(" <<  chainNames[ith] << "). Using prescale 0");
-	  }
-	  if(prescale>1. || prescale<1.) {
-	    //NB! Right now very few chains are prescaled, so this histogram is seldom filled
-	    HLT_PS = chainNames[ith];
-	    ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "HLT_PS: " << chainNames[ith] << " has PS = " << prescale); 
-	    fill(tool,HLT_PS);
-	  }
-	  /// Fill RoIs histogram and 1D histos for eta, phi, RoI count
-	  std::vector<LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>> fvec = m_trigDecTool->features<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>(chainNames[ith], TrigDefs::Physics, "", TrigDefs::lastFeatureOfType, initialRoIString()); 
-	  //Loop over RoIs
-	  for (const LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>& li : fvec) {
-	    if( li.isValid() ) {
-	      //Fill 1D histos of roi_N, eta, phi
-	      const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
-	      if(!roi->isFullscan()) {
-		RoI_eta = roi->eta();
-		RoI_phi = roi->phi();
-		fill(tool,RoI_eta);
-		fill(tool,RoI_phi);
-		roiN[N_sig]++;
-	      }
-	      else {
-		ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI is FULLSCAN, chain " << chainNames[ith]); 
-	      }
-	      //Fill 2D RoI maps
-	      auto phi = Monitored::Scalar("phi",0.0);
-	      auto eta = Monitored::Scalar("eta",0.0);
-	      if(!roi->isFullscan()) {
-		auto HLT_RoIs = Monitored::Group(thisTool, eta, phi);
-		const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
-		eta = roi->eta();
-		phi = roi->phi();
-	      }
-	    }//end if(li.isValid())
-	    else {
-	      ATH_MSG_WARNING( "TrigRoiDescriptorCollection for chain " << chainNames[ith] << " is not valid");
-	    }
-	  }//end for (const LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>& li : fvec)
-	}// end if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(chainNames[ith]))
-      }// end if( chainNames[ith] != "" )
-    }//end for(unsigned int ith=0; ith<nHLTChains; ++ith)
+    const std::vector<std::string> chainNames = m_trigDecTool->getChainGroup(thisregex)->getListOfTriggers();
+    for(const std::string& chain : chainNames) {
+      // Manually create single-trigger group to avoid regex parsing (ATR-23427)
+      const Trig::ChainGroup* trig = m_trigDecTool->getChainGroup(chain, TrigDefs::Group::NoRegex);
+      if(m_trigDecTool->isPassed(trig, TrigDefs::requireDecision)) {
+        ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "    Chain " << chain << " IS passed");
+        /// Fill plain chains histogram
+        HLT_RAW = chain;
+        fill(tool,HLT_RAW);
+        //If the chain is prescaled
+        const TrigConf::HLTChain* c = m_trigDecTool->ExperimentalAndExpertMethods().getChainConfigurationDetails(chain);
+        float prescale = 0;
+        if (c) {
+          prescale = c->prescale();
+        }
+        else {
+          ATH_MSG_WARNING("No chain found in m_trigDecTool->ExperimentalAndExpertMethods().getChainConfigurationDetails(" <<  chain << "). Using prescale 0");
+        }
+        if(prescale>1. || prescale<1.) {
+          //NB! Right now very few chains are prescaled, so this histogram is seldom filled
+          HLT_PS = chain;
+          ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "HLT_PS: " << chain << " has PS = " << prescale);
+          fill(tool,HLT_PS);
+        }
+        /// Fill RoIs histogram and 1D histos for eta, phi, RoI count
+        std::vector<LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>> fvec = m_trigDecTool->features<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>(chain, TrigDefs::Physics, "", TrigDefs::lastFeatureOfType, initialRoIString());
+        //Loop over RoIs
+        for (const LinkInfo<TrigRoiDescriptorCollection>& li : fvec) {
+          if( li.isValid() ) {
+            //Fill 1D histos of roi_N, eta, phi
+            const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
+            if(!roi->isFullscan()) {
+              RoI_eta = roi->eta();
+              RoI_phi = roi->phi();
+              fill(tool,RoI_eta);
+              fill(tool,RoI_phi);
+              roiN[N_sig]++;
+            }
+            else {
+              ATH_MSG_DEBUG( "RoI is FULLSCAN, chain " << chain);
+            }
+            //Fill 2D RoI maps
+            auto phi = Monitored::Scalar("phi",0.0);
+            auto eta = Monitored::Scalar("eta",0.0);
+            if(!roi->isFullscan()) {
+              auto HLT_RoIs = Monitored::Group(thisTool, eta, phi);
+              const TrigRoiDescriptor* roi = *(li.link).cptr();
+              eta = roi->eta();
+              phi = roi->phi();
+            }
+          }//end if(li.isValid())
+          else {
+            ATH_MSG_WARNING( "TrigRoiDescriptorCollection for chain " << chain << " is not valid");
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
     //Fill RoI count per stream
     RoI_N = roiN[N_sig];
@@ -206,7 +201,7 @@ StatusCode TrigHLTMonitorAlgorithm::fillHistograms( const EventContext& ctx ) co
   // HLTResult and ConfigConsistency
-  sc = fillResultAndConsistencyHistograms(ctx);
+  ATH_CHECK(fillResultAndConsistencyHistograms(ctx));
diff --git a/Trigger/TrigT1/L1Topo/L1TopoSimulation/python/L1TopoSimulationConfig.py b/Trigger/TrigT1/L1Topo/L1TopoSimulation/python/L1TopoSimulationConfig.py
index a8c1dc8909db77119dbdc53b00219d42da6d1632..a7ab048132d52928c96858f23199a18e994cb964 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigT1/L1Topo/L1TopoSimulation/python/L1TopoSimulationConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigT1/L1Topo/L1TopoSimulation/python/L1TopoSimulationConfig.py
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ def L1TopoSimulationOldStyleCfg(flags, isLegacy):
     return topoSimSeq
-def L1TopoSimulationStandaloneCfg(flags, outputEDM=[]):
+def L1TopoSimulationStandaloneCfg(flags, outputEDM=[], doMuons = False):
     acc = ComponentAccumulator()
@@ -142,15 +142,17 @@ def L1TopoSimulationStandaloneCfg(flags, outputEDM=[]):
     gfex_provider_attr = ['gFexSRJetRoI','gFexLRJetRoI','gFexXEJWOJRoI','gFexXENCRoI','gFexXERHORoI','gFexMHTRoI','gFexTERoI']
     #Configure the MuonInputProvider
-    muProvider = CompFactory.LVL1.MuonInputProvider("MuonInputProvider",
-                                                    ROIBResultLocation = "", #disable input from RoIBResult
-                                                    MuonROILocation = "",
-                                                    MuonEncoding = 1)
-    #Configure the MuonRoiTools for the MIP
-    from TrigT1MuonRecRoiTool.TrigT1MuonRecRoiToolConfig import getRun3RPCRecRoiTool, getRun3TGCRecRoiTool
-    muProvider.RecRpcRoiTool = getRun3RPCRecRoiTool("RPCRecRoiTool", useRun3Config = True)
-    muProvider.RecTgcRoiTool = getRun3TGCRecRoiTool("TGCRecRoiTool", useRun3Config = True)
+    muProvider=""
+    if doMuons:
+        muProvider = CompFactory.LVL1.MuonInputProvider("MuonInputProvider",
+                                                        ROIBResultLocation = "", #disable input from RoIBResult
+                                                        MuonROILocation = "",
+                                                        MuonEncoding = 1)
+        #Configure the MuonRoiTools for the MIP
+        from TrigT1MuonRecRoiTool.TrigT1MuonRecRoiToolConfig import getRun3RPCRecRoiTool, getRun3TGCRecRoiTool
+        muProvider.RecRpcRoiTool = getRun3RPCRecRoiTool("RPCRecRoiTool", useRun3Config = True)
+        muProvider.RecTgcRoiTool = getRun3TGCRecRoiTool("TGCRecRoiTool", useRun3Config = True)
     efexProvider = CompFactory.LVL1.eFexInputProvider("eFexInputProvider")
@@ -185,7 +187,7 @@ def L1TopoSimulationStandaloneCfg(flags, outputEDM=[]):
     topoSimAlg = CompFactory.LVL1.L1TopoSimulation("L1TopoSimulation",
-                                                    MuonInputProvider = "",
+                                                    MuonInputProvider = muProvider,
                                                     EMTAUInputProvider = efexProvider,
                                                     JetInputProvider = jfexProvider,
                                                     EnergyInputProvider = gfexProvider,
@@ -229,8 +231,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
   if len(subsystem)==0:
       log.warning(f'subsystem not given or the given subsystem not supported with one of the: {supportedSubsystems}')
   if args.log == 'warning': algLogLevel = WARNING
   if args.log == 'debug': algLogLevel = DEBUG
@@ -247,9 +247,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
   flags.Concurrency.NumConcurrentEvents = 1
   flags.Exec.SkipEvents = args.skipEvents
   flags.Output.AODFileName = 'AOD.pool.root'
-  flags.GeoModel.AtlasVersion = 'ATLAS-R3S-2021-01-00-02'
-  flags.IOVDb.GlobalTag = 'CONDBR2-BLKPA-2018-13'
-  flags.Muon.enableAlignment = True
+  flags.Trigger.L1.doMuon = True
+  flags.Trigger.enableL1MuonPhase1 = True
+  flags.Trigger.L1.doMuonTopoInputs = True
   from AthenaConfiguration.MainServicesConfig import MainServicesCfg
@@ -289,21 +289,16 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
   loadFromSG = [('xAOD::EventInfo', 'StoreGateSvc+EventInfo')]
   if 'Muons' in subsystem:
-      loadFromSG += [( 'RpcPadContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+RPCPAD_L1' ),
-                     ( 'TgcRdoContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+TGCRDO_L1' )]
-      from MuonConfig.MuonCablingConfig import MuonCablingConfigCfg
-      acc.merge(MuonCablingConfigCfg(flags))
+      from MuonConfig.MuonBytestreamDecodeConfig import RpcBytestreamDecodeCfg,TgcBytestreamDecodeCfg
+      rpcdecodingAcc = RpcBytestreamDecodeCfg(flags)
+      acc.merge(rpcdecodingAcc)
+      tgcdecodingAcc = TgcBytestreamDecodeCfg(flags) 
+      acc.merge(tgcdecodingAcc)
-      from MuonConfig.MuonGeometryConfig import MuonGeoModelCfg
-      acc.merge(MuonGeoModelCfg(flags))
       from TrigT1ResultByteStream.TrigT1ResultByteStreamConfig import MuonRoIByteStreamToolCfg
       muonRoiTool = MuonRoIByteStreamToolCfg(name="L1MuonBSDecoderTool",flags=flags,writeBS=False)
       decoderTools += [muonRoiTool]
-      from TriggerJobOpts.Lvl1MuonSimulationConfig import MuonBytestream2RdoConfig
-      acc.merge(MuonBytestream2RdoConfig(flags))
   if 'jFex' in subsystem:
       from L1CaloFEXByteStream.L1CaloFEXByteStreamConfig import jFexRoiByteStreamToolCfg
       jFexTool = jFexRoiByteStreamToolCfg('jFexBSDecoder', flags, writeBS=False)
@@ -348,7 +343,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
       acc.getEventAlgo('L1LegacyTopoSimulation').FillHistoBasedOnHardware = True
       acc.getEventAlgo('L1LegacyTopoSimulation').PrescaleDAQROBAccess = 1
-  acc.merge(L1TopoSimulationStandaloneCfg(flags,outputEDM), sequenceName='AthAlgSeq')
+  acc.merge(L1TopoSimulationStandaloneCfg(flags,outputEDM,doMuons=True), sequenceName='AthAlgSeq')
   if args.algoHdwMon:
       acc.getEventAlgo('L1TopoSimulation').FillHistoBasedOnHardware = True
       acc.getEventAlgo('L1TopoSimulation').PrescaleDAQROBAccess = 1