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Update of HLT default geometry and conditions, update of trigger ART tests and inputs


The primary goal of this MR is to update the default geometry and conditions tag used in the HLT (ATR-25978), moving from Run2 defaults to Run3 defaults.

This is coupled with an update of input files for trigger ART tests, and an update of the tests themselves:

  • drop geometry and conditions override, we naturally pick up the latest Run3 defaults
  • grid tests use inputs from RSE (RDOs have 2k per file, 6 GB), no longer from cvmfs, whenever available/possible
  • local/build tests use smaller files on cvmfs (RDOs currently have 500k per file, 1.5 GB, may reduce to 250k to go below the 1 GB limit)
  • deprecated tests were removed: test_trigP1_v1Dev_run3_build, test_trig_mc_v1Dev_slice_muonNSW_build/grid
  • new inputs and tests were added: test_trig_mc_v1Dev_slice_bphysicsee_build/grid
  • 3 tests using a Run2 setup were added (they produce inputs that can be used for Run2 reprocessing): test_trigP1_v1Dev_dumpConfig_run2_build, test_trigP1_v1PhysP1_run2_build, test_trigP1_v1PhysP1_T0MonTrf_run2_build,

Cheers, Bertrand

Edited by Bertrand Martin Dit Latour

Merge request reports
