In this merge request, we made slight changes to the current HIGG4D2 format to make it include the AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets object.
Only 3 lines that were modified:
-, modify: ['HIGG4D3', 'HIGG4D6'] --> ['HIGG4D2', 'HIGG4D3', 'HIGG4D6']\
- , add: DerivationFrameworkHiggs.HIGG4DxAugmentation.addVRJetsAndBTagging(DAOD_StreamID, HIGG4D2Sequence)\
- ,comment out the line 7
We also did a local test, where we used one AOD sample (including 10000 events) as input, then locally run the derivation respectively with default HIGG4D2 format and the new HIGG4D2 format
- Got reasonable DAOD output after the new HIGG4D2 format derivation, and we found that the AntiKtVR30Rmax4Rmin02TrackJets was stored.
- Concerning output file size, 11.5MB for the default HIGG4D2 format, 12.3MB for the new HIGG4D2 format
Edited by Liangliang Han