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Externals Update, master branch (2022.10.04.)

Updated all projects to atlasexternals-2.0.141. The "one" update wrt. atlasexternals-2.0.140 is (atlasexternals@2.0.140...2.0.141):

  • Updated CheckerGccPlugins with the following (thanks to @ssnyder):
    • Skip checking of _rootcint.cxx files.
    • Replace the hardcoded list of directory names for code that is to be considered thread-safe with a configuration parameter.
    • For warnings about calling non-const methods via a pointer member from a const method, realize that unique_ptr::get() also returns the pointer. Treat it like operator->. Also fix an issue with suppressing this warning for unique_ptr.
    • Don't warn about overriding the non-const execute() method of Algorithm with a non-thread-safe method.
    • Fix warning suppression for ctor calls.
    • Remove references to ATLAS_CTORDOR_NOT_THREAD_SAFE workaround.
    • Warn about writing via a pointer member in a const member function.

This update technically does not require full-build. But in order to make sure that no build warnings are introduced with the updated code checker, let's use it anyway. (It means that merging this MR is safe at any point. As long as the CI succeeds...)

Pinging @fwinkl.

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