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Add HLT FCal-based forward gap hypo and test chains (ATR-24707)

Merged Jakub Kremer requested to merge jkremer/athena:22.0-addHLTGapHypo into 22.0
# Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
def TrigHIFwdGapHypoToolFromDict(chainDict):
"""Configure the FCal-based forward gap hypo tool"""
tool = CompFactory.TrigHIFwdGapHypoTool(chainDict['chainName'])
FgapInfo = chainDict['chainParts'][0]['hypoFgapInfo'][0]
if 'AC' in FgapInfo:
tool.maxFCalEt = int(FgapInfo.strip('FgapAC'))
tool.useDoubleSidedGap = True
elif 'A' in FgapInfo:
tool.maxFCalEt = int(FgapInfo.strip('FgapA'))
tool.useSideA = True
elif 'C' in FgapInfo:
tool.maxFCalEt = int(FgapInfo.strip('FgapC'))
tool.useSideA = False
return tool