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Modify the muon z position in the Roi updater

Mark Sutton requested to merge sutt/athena:muonz into 22.0

Include the origin correction in the update of the RoiDescriptor in case it is needed.

Would need to be tested in a reprocessing with movement of the beamspot across a lumi block boundary before going online, in case it is not actually correct.

Probably some confirmation from the muon side whether the muon origin actually does need the origin to be corrected in this way. It would be better all round if we didn't ever mess with the z origin of the cooprdinate system in this way as it serves absolutely no purpose except for requiring the applied shift to be removed before doing anything serious with the tracks.

Maybe will address ATR-26580, or maybe it will make it worse ? Who can tell.

Edited by Mark Sutton

Merge request reports
