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Add new electron+LRTelectron merging strategy

This MR adds a new default strategy for use at the DAOD level, to merge LRT + prompt electron collections.

previous default promptStrategy: First, require electrons to pass a baseline VeryLooseNoPix ID. If two electrons share a calo cluster, we defer to the electron from the prompt collection.

NEW DEFAULT defaultStrategy: No baseline ID requirement. If two electrons share a calo cluster, we choose the one that passes tighter ID. IF both have the same ID WP, we defer to the electron from the prompt collection.

new passThrough: For validation purposes. Keep all electrons from both collections, ignoring cluster overlap.

Tagging @longjon, the author of the merging alg. To make the strategy choice user-configurable on the analysis level, I had to edit SUSYTools as well, so I am tagging @mrimoldi and @cmerlass as well. Also tagging @sagara17 and @jburzyns as potentially affected users.

Edited by Andrew Caldon Smith

Merge request reports
