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Add extra config flags to allow disabling each phase-1 L1Calo FEX individually

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:l1calo-ph1-finer-flags into 22.0

Add flags:

  • Trigger.L1.doeFex
  • Trigger.L1.dojFex
  • Trigger.L1.dogFex
  • Trigger.L1.doTopoPhase1

which allow to disable the software path, i.e. decoding or simulation, for each of the new phase-1 L1Calo/Topo systems individually even when the more general flags would enable them.

The main intention here is to allow disabling one of the systems in the data decoding path at P1 in case it is misbehaving (either the hardware/firmware or the decoder software) or we are uncertain about its stability.

Relevant Jira: ATR-26025

Edited by Rafal Bielski

Merge request reports
