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Permanently add legacy L1Topo RoIB readout ROBs to the MaybeMissingROBs list

Rafal Bielski requested to merge rbielski/athena:legacy-topo-maybe-missing into 22.0

Permanently flag legacy L1Topo ROBs as "maybe missing", meaning that they will no longer be required to be present in every event processed by the HLT at P1.

Trigger Management agreed this setting should become default from now on, given the recent issues with L1Topo RoIB readout. This change of default setting will become only for next year's P1 releases since we don't plan on deploying new ones this year.

FYI @mark, @wiedenma, @palacino, @shanisch, @hillier, @landon, @rhowen

Merge request reports
