diff --git a/Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling/python/DecisionHandlingConfig.py b/Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling/python/DecisionHandlingConfig.py
index dc8d10cb461cef4e3c7334f6ee9ce2bc3f59a54c..41494be3c87d618e92bcae5299419e6e93416337 100644
--- a/Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling/python/DecisionHandlingConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TrigSteer/DecisionHandling/python/DecisionHandlingConfig.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
 EnableFilterMonitoring = False  # Can be changed in a precommand/preExec
 def setupFilterMonitoring( flags, filterAlg ):
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ def TriggerSummaryAlg( flags, name ):
     alg.MonTool = monTool
     return alg
-def ComboHypoCfg( name ):
-    from DecisionHandling.DecisionHandlingConf import ComboHypo
-    alg = ComboHypo( name )
+def ComboHypoCfg( name ):    
+    alg = CompFactory.ComboHypo( name )
     return alg
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/TriggerConfig.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/TriggerConfig.py
index af6eb9c4cca7e8f7c728351d8068a032db8f195d..e1d41ea18badf22b9c8ff8b51980262f18d988b1 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/TriggerConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/TriggerConfig.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 from .TriggerRecoConfig import TriggerMetadataWriterCfg
 __log = logging.getLogger('TriggerConfig')
 def __isCombo(alg):
     return hasProp( alg, "MultiplicitiesMap" )
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ def collectHypos( steps ):
         __log.debug( "collecting hypos from step %s", stepSeq.getName() )
 #        start = {}
         for seq,algs in flatAlgorithmSequences(stepSeq).items():
-            for alg in sorted(algs, key=lambda t: str(t.name)):
+            for alg in sorted(algs, key=lambda t: str(t.getName())):
                 if isSequence( alg ):
                 # will replace by function once dependencies are sorted
@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ def triggerSummaryCfg(flags, hypos):
             hypoChains, hypoOutputKeys = __decisionsFromHypo( hypo )
             for chain in hypoChains:
                 if chain not in chainToCollectionInStep:
-                    chainToCollectionInStep[chain] = hypoOutputKeys
+                    chainToCollectionInStep[chain] = hypoOutputKeys                    
         chainToLastCollection.update( chainToCollectionInStep )
     from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.HLTMenuConfig import HLTMenuConfig
@@ -629,6 +630,10 @@ def triggerRunCfg( flags, menu=None ):
     acc.addSequence( parOR("HLTEndSeq"), parentName="HLTTop" )
     acc.addSequence( seqAND("HLTFinalizeSeq"), parentName="HLTEndSeq" )
+    nfilters = sum(len(v) for v in filters.values())
+    nhypos = sum(len(v) for v in hypos.values())
+    __log.info( "Algorithms counting: Number of Filter algorithms: %d  -  Number of Hypo algoirthms: %d", nfilters , nhypos)
     summaryAcc, summaryAlg = triggerSummaryCfg( flags, hypos )
     acc.merge( summaryAcc, sequenceName="HLTFinalizeSeq" )
     acc.addEventAlgo( summaryAlg, sequenceName="HLTFinalizeSeq" )
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/runHLT_standalone_newJO.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/runHLT_standalone_newJO.py
index c59fc8d4d933d9fef33e77a423d70627afb7b868..3bcc61ed82dc4616f129d1bb293b58549554a88e 100755
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/runHLT_standalone_newJO.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerJobOpts/python/runHLT_standalone_newJO.py
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
 #  Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 log = logging.getLogger('runHLT_standalone_newJO')
@@ -55,6 +54,8 @@ flags.addFlag("Trigger.disableChains",[])
 flags.Trigger.enabledSignatures = ['Muon', 'Photon','Electron']
+#flags.Trigger.selectChains =  ['HLT_mu4_L1MU3V','HLT_mu8_L1MU5VF','HLT_2mu6_L12MU5VF', 'HLT_mu24_mu6_L1MU14FCH','HLT_mu24_mu6_probe_L1MU14FCH'] #, 'HLT_mu4_mu6_L12MU3V']
 #flags.Trigger.disableChains=["HLT_2mu4_l2io_invmDimu_L1BPH-2M9-0DR15-2MU3VF", "HLT_2mu4_l2io_invmDimu_L1BPH-2M9-0DR15-2MU3V", "HLT_2mu6_l2io_invmDimu_L1BPH-2M9-2DR15-2MU5VF"]
 # exclude jets for now, since their MenuSeuqnece Structure needs more work to migrate
@@ -93,10 +94,9 @@ flags.lock()
 # Enable when debugging deduplication issues
 # ComponentAccumulator.debugMode = "trackCA trackEventAlog ... and so on"
 acc = MainServicesCfg(flags)
 acc.getService('AvalancheSchedulerSvc').VerboseSubSlots = True
 # this delcares to the scheduler that EventInfo object comes from the input
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/CMakeLists.txt b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/CMakeLists.txt
index 0b94cb99cd71a8e91819138119bd514b6457f242..c448d4d9affed7cacd94183f802f9d1d404c5d7e 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ atlas_install_scripts( scripts/generateL1MenuRun3.py
+		       scripts/test_menu_CA.py
                        POST_BUILD_CMD ${ATLAS_FLAKE8} )
 # Shell scripts without flake8 checking:
@@ -114,6 +115,14 @@ atlas_add_test(generateMenuMT_newJO
    POST_EXEC_SCRIPT noerror.sh )
+atlas_add_test( test_menu_CA
+   SCRIPT test_menu_CA.py
+   POST_EXEC_SCRIPT "check_log.py --errors --config checklogTriggerTest.conf ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}${CMAKE_FILES_DIRECTORY}/unitTestRun_test_menu_CA/test_menu_CA.log" 
+   )
 # test for menu name consistency
 atlas_add_test( test_menu_dump
   SCRIPT test_menu_dump.py -p
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/CFtest/test_menu_cf_newJO.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/CFtest/test_menu_cf_newJO.py
index bc775a776b3c4f75de4697c6a9e88dc272696804..de06371a9726506b4540d87e4eea7a55b6676132 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/CFtest/test_menu_cf_newJO.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/CFtest/test_menu_cf_newJO.py
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def generateEmuMenu(ConfigFlags):
     import TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFConfig_newJO
     # set DEBUG flag on the control-flow builder (before building)
-    menuAcc = generateDecisionTree(ConfigFlags, HLTMenuConfig.configsList()) 
+    menuAcc = generateDecisionTree(ConfigFlags, HLTMenuConfig)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/CommonSequences/EventBuildingSequences.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/CommonSequences/EventBuildingSequences.py
index b35e9bf13ae62c9590790c960425169a2ada7344..a656d74d8ab69f7da96af9c630a648c9969e296e 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/CommonSequences/EventBuildingSequences.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/CommonSequences/EventBuildingSequences.py
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ def addEventBuildingSequence(flags, chain, eventBuildType, chainDict):
         # standard PEB chain
-        prevStep = chain.steps[-1]
+        prevStep = chain.steps[-1]        
         step_name = 'Step_merged{:s}_PEBInfoWriter_{:s}'.format(prevStep.name, eventBuildType)
         step = ChainStep(name=step_name,
                          Sequences=[seq for leg in prevStep.legIds],
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/CommonSequences/TLABuildingSequences.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/CommonSequences/TLABuildingSequences.py
index 24e70adb9a9dc7ad7a1853905b6a4c212af45e3f..143d45c6000cdc30bdf8d1d99260272eccf54fdd 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/CommonSequences/TLABuildingSequences.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/CommonSequences/TLABuildingSequences.py
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFTools import NoCAmigration
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 def addTLAStep(chain, chainDict):
     Add one extra chain step for TLA Activities
@@ -26,7 +25,7 @@ def addTLAStep(chain, chainDict):
         # call the sequence from their respective signatures
         tlaSequencesList.append(getTLASignatureSequence(ConfigFlags, chainDict=chainDict, chainPart=cPart)), #signature=cPart['signature'])),
-    log.debug("addTLAStep: About to add a step with: %d, parallel sequences.", len(tlaSequencesList))            
+    log.debug("addTLAStep: About to add a step with: %d parallel sequences.", len(tlaSequencesList))            
     # we add one step per TLA chain, with sequences matching the list of signatures
     # and multiplicities matching those of the previous step of the chain (already merged if combined)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ChainConfigurationBase.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ChainConfigurationBase.py
index 13e9f36712cdc8ed4b103ebe13bd2c28ad9603e2..cd5979995abc8aaefd2ab86864de122f868690f6 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ChainConfigurationBase.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ChainConfigurationBase.py
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 import abc
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import Chain, ChainStep, RecoFragmentsPool
 from DecisionHandling.DecisionHandlingConfig import ComboHypoCfg
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFComponents.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFComponents.py
index 07c62d358778ff252e297e35a807655aa6b2de6e..045b576e0c1157cd2fa7b22a562a2ba3152d5806 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFComponents.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFComponents.py
@@ -2,37 +2,21 @@
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import AlgNode
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.MenuComponentsNaming import CFNaming
-from AthenaCommon.CFElements import compName
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.HLTMenuConfig import HLTMenuConfig
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFTools import isComboHypoAlg
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
+from AthenaCommon.CFElements import compName, findAlgorithmByPredicate, parOR, seqAND
+from functools import lru_cache
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
-from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
 RoRSeqFilter = CompFactory.RoRSeqFilter
 PassFilter   = CompFactory.PassFilter
-class HypoToolConf(object):
-    """ Class to group info on hypotools for ChainDict"""
-    def __init__(self, hypoToolGen):
-        self.hypoToolGen = hypoToolGen
-        self.name=hypoToolGen.__name__
-    def setConf( self, chainDict):
-        if type(chainDict) is not dict:
-            raise RuntimeError("Configuring hypo with %s, not good anymore, use chainDict" % str(chainDict) )
-        self.chainDict = chainDict
-    def create(self):
-        """creates instance of the hypo tool"""
-        return self.hypoToolGen( self.chainDict )
-    def confAndCreate(self, chainDict):
-        """sets the configuration and creates instance of the hypo tool"""
-        self.setConf(chainDict)
-        return self.create()
 class SequenceFilterNode(AlgNode):
     """Node for any kind of sequence filter"""
     def __init__(self, Alg, inputProp, outputProp):
@@ -50,11 +34,12 @@ class SequenceFilterNode(AlgNode):
     def __repr__(self):
         return "SequenceFilter::%s  [%s] -> [%s], chains=%s"%(compName(self.Alg),' '.join(map(str, self.getInputList())),' '.join(map(str, self.getOutputList())), self.getChains())
 class RoRSequenceFilterNode(SequenceFilterNode):
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        Alg= RoRSeqFilter(name)
+    def __init__(self, name): 
+        Alg= RoRSeqFilter(name)            
         SequenceFilterNode.__init__(self,  Alg, 'Input', 'Output')
+        self.resetInput()
+        self.resetOutput() ## why do we need this in CA mode??
     def addChain(self, name, input_name):
         input_index = self.readInputList().index(input_name)
@@ -77,13 +62,27 @@ class RoRSequenceFilterNode(SequenceFilterNode):
         return self.getPar("ChainsPerInput")
-from AthenaCommon.AlgSequence import AthSequencer
 class PassFilterNode(SequenceFilterNode):
     """ PassFilter is a Filter node without inputs/outputs, so OutputProp=InputProp=empty"""
     def __init__(self, name):        
-        Alg=AthSequencer( "PassSequence" )
+        Alg=CompFactory.AthSequencer( "PassSequence" )
         Alg.IgnoreFilterPassed=True   # always pass     
         SequenceFilterNode.__init__(self,  Alg, '', '')
+    def addOutput(self, name):
+        self.outputs.append(str(name)) 
+    def addInput(self, name):
+        self.inputs.append(str(name)) 
+    def getOutputList(self):
+        return self.outputs
+    def getInputList(self):
+        return self.inputs
@@ -96,19 +95,19 @@ class CFSequence(object):
     def __init__(self, ChainStep, FilterAlg):
         self.filter = FilterAlg
         self.step = ChainStep
+        self.combo = ChainStep.combo  #copy this instance
-        self.setDecisions()
+        self.setDecisions()                
         log.debug("CFSequence.__init: created %s ",self)
     def setDecisions(self):
         """ Set the output decision of this CFSequence as the hypo outputdecision; In case of combo, takes the Combo outputs"""
         # empty steps:
-        if self.step.combo is None:
+        if self.combo is None:
-            self.decisions.extend(self.step.combo.getOutputList())            
+            self.decisions.extend(self.combo.getOutputList())            
         log.debug("CFSequence: set out decisions: %s", self.decisions)
@@ -141,24 +140,76 @@ class CFSequence(object):
     def connectCombo(self):
         """ connect Combo to Hypos"""
-        if self.step.combo is None:
+        if self.combo is None:
         for seq in self.step.sequences:            
-            self.step.combo.addInput(combo_input)
-            inputs = self.step.combo.readInputList()
+            self.combo.addInput(combo_input)
+            inputs = self.combo.readInputList()
             legindex = inputs.index(combo_input)
-            log.debug("CFSequence.connectCombo: adding input to  %s: %s",  self.step.combo.Alg.getName(), combo_input)
+            log.debug("CFSequence.connectCombo: adding input to  %s: %s",  self.combo.Alg.getName(), combo_input)
             # inputs are the output decisions of the hypos of the sequences
-            combo_output=CFNaming.comboHypoOutputName (self.step.combo.Alg.getName(), legindex)            
-            self.step.combo.addOutput(combo_output)
-            log.debug("CFSequence.connectCombo: adding output to  %s: %s",  self.step.combo.Alg.getName(), combo_output)
+            combo_output=CFNaming.comboHypoOutputName (self.combo.Alg.getName(), legindex)            
+            self.combo.addOutput(combo_output)
+            log.debug("CFSequence.connectCombo: adding output to  %s: %s",  self.combo.Alg.getName(), combo_output)
+    def createHypoTools(self, chain, newstep):       
+        """ set and create HypoTools accumulated on the self.step from an input step configuration
+        """
+        if self.step.combo is None:
+            return
+        assert len(newstep.sequences) == len(self.step.sequences), f'Trying to add HypoTools from new step {newstep.name}, which differ in number of sequences'
+        assert len(self.step.sequences) == len(newstep.stepDicts), f'The number of sequences of step {self.step.name} ({len(self.step.sequences)}) differ from the number of dictionaries in the chain {len(newstep.stepDicts)}'
+        log.debug("createHypoTools for Step %s", newstep.name)
+        log.debug('from chain %s with step mult= %d', chain, sum(newstep.multiplicity))
+        log.debug("N(seq)=%d, N(chainDicts)=%d", len(newstep.sequences), len(newstep.stepDicts))
+        for seq, myseq, onePartChainDict in zip(newstep.sequences, self.step.sequences, newstep.stepDicts):
+            log.debug('    seq: %s, onePartChainDict:', seq.name)
+            log.debug('    %s', onePartChainDict)
+            hypoToolConf=seq.getHypoToolConf()
+            if hypoToolConf is not None: # avoid empty sequences
+                hypoToolConf.setConf( onePartChainDict )
+                myseq.hypo.addHypoTool(hypoToolConf) #this creates the HypoTools            
+        chainDict = HLTMenuConfig.getChainDictFromChainName(chain)
+        self.combo.createComboHypoTools(chainDict, newstep.comboToolConfs)
     def __repr__(self):
         return "--- CFSequence ---\n + Filter: %s \n + decisions: %s\n +  %s \n"%(\
-                    self.filter.Alg.getName(), self.decisions, self.step)
+                    compName(self.filter.Alg), self.decisions, self.step)
+class CFSequenceCA(CFSequence):
+    """Class to describe the flow of decisions through ChainStep + filter with their connections (input, output)
+    A Filter can have more than one input/output if used in different chains, so this class stores and manages all of them (when doing the connect)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ChainStep, FilterAlg):
+        log.debug(" *** Create CFSequence %s with Filter %s", ChainStep.name, FilterAlg.Alg.getName())
+        self.ca = ComponentAccumulator()
+        self.empty= ChainStep.isEmpty
+        #empty step: add the PassSequence, one instance only is appended to the tree
+        seqAndWithFilter = FilterAlg.Alg if self.empty else seqAND(ChainStep.name)        
+        self.ca.addSequence(seqAndWithFilter)
+        self.seq = seqAndWithFilter
+        if not self.empty: 
+            self.ca.addEventAlgo(FilterAlg.Alg, sequenceName=seqAndWithFilter.getName())
+            stepReco = parOR(ChainStep.name + CFNaming.RECO_POSTFIX)  # all reco algorithms from all the sequences in a parallel sequence                            
+            self.ca.addSequence(stepReco, parentName=seqAndWithFilter.getName())
+            log.info("created parOR %s inside seqAND %s  ", stepReco.getName(), seqAndWithFilter.getName())
+            for menuseq in ChainStep.sequences:
+                self.ca.merge(menuseq.ca, sequenceName=stepReco.getName())
+        CFSequence.__init__(self, ChainStep,FilterAlg)
+        if self.combo is not None:             
+            self.ca.addEventAlgo(self.step.combo.Alg, sequenceName=seqAndWithFilter.getName())  
+    @lru_cache(None)
+    def findComboHypoAlg(self):
+        return findAlgorithmByPredicate(self.seq, lambda alg: compName(alg) == self.step.Alg.getName() and isComboHypoAlg(alg))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFConfig.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFConfig.py
index 70a6a97726b0c41fdbbfb6838208f0a448b24cd7..17b89515d2d8fce801674844f1795dfcee70758d 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFConfig.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFConfig.py
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFDot import stepCF_DataFlow_to_dot, stepCF_ControlFlow_to_dot, all_DataFlow_to_dot
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFComponents import CFSequence, RoRSequenceFilterNode, PassFilterNode
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFComponents import CFSequence, RoRSequenceFilterNode, PassFilterNode, CFSequenceCA
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.MenuComponentsNaming import CFNaming
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Validation.CFValidation import testHLTTree
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfig import collectHypos, collectFilters, collectVi
      triggerMonitoringCfg, triggerSummaryCfg, triggerMergeViewsAndAddMissingEDMCfg, collectHypoDecisionObjects
 from TrigNavSlimmingMT.TrigNavSlimmingMTConfig import getTrigNavSlimmingMTOnlineConfig
 from ViewAlgs.ViewAlgsConf import EventViewCreatorAlgorithm
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import isComponentAccumulatorCfg
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 from builtins import map, range, str, zip
 from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
@@ -48,7 +49,6 @@ import re
 log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
 #### Functions to create the CF tree from CF configuration objects
 def makeSummary(flags, name, flatDecisions):
     """ Returns a TriggerSummaryAlg connected to given decisions"""
@@ -76,10 +76,11 @@ def createStepFilterNode(name, seq_list, dump=False):
     """ Elementary HLT filter step: OR node containing all Filters of the sequences. The node gates execution of next reco step """
     log.debug("Create filter step %s with %d filters", name, len(seq_list))
+    stepCF = parOR(name + CFNaming.FILTER_POSTFIX)
     for seq in seq_list:
         filterAlg = seq.filter.Alg        
-        log.debug("createStepFilterNode: Add  %s to filter node %s", filterAlg.name(), name)
+        log.debug("createStepFilterNode: Add  %s to filter node %s", filterAlg.getName(), name)
         if filterAlg not in filter_list:
@@ -108,8 +109,8 @@ def createCFTree(CFseq):
     for menuseq in CFseq.step.sequences:
-    stepReco   += sorted(list(recoSeqSet), key=lambda t: t.name())
-    seqAndWithFilter += sorted(list(hypoSet), key=lambda t: t.name()) 
+    stepReco   += sorted(list(recoSeqSet), key=lambda t: t.getName())
+    seqAndWithFilter += sorted(list(hypoSet), key=lambda t: t.getName()) 
     if CFseq.step.combo is not None:         
         seqAndWithFilter += CFseq.step.combo.Alg
@@ -146,7 +147,7 @@ def makeHLTTree(flags, newJO=False, hltMenuConfig = None):
     log.debug("[makeHLTTree] will now make the DF and CF tree from chains")
     # make DF and CF tree from chains
-    finalDecisions = decisionTreeFromChains(flags, steps, hltMenuConfig.configsList(), hltMenuConfig.dictsList(), newJO)
+    finalDecisions, acc = decisionTreeFromChains(flags, steps, hltMenuConfig.configsList(), hltMenuConfig.dictsList(), newJO)
     successful_scan = sequenceScanner( steps )
@@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ def matrixDisplay( allCFSeq ):
                 if seq.name == "Empty":
                     mx[stepNumber, "Empty"].extend(chains)
-                    mx[stepNumber, seq.sequence.Alg.name()].extend(chains)
+                    mx[stepNumber, seq.sequence.Alg.getName()].extend(chains)
     # sort dictionary by fist key=step
     sorted_mx = OrderedDict(sorted( list(mx.items()), key= lambda k: k[0]))
@@ -329,7 +330,7 @@ def sequenceScanner( HLTNode ):
             if isSequence(c):
                 # Detect whether this is the view sequence pointed to
                 # by the EV creator alg, or if it is in such a sequence
-                inView = c.name()==inViewSequence or childInView
+                inView = c.getName()==inViewSequence or childInView
                 stepIndex = _mapSequencesInSteps(c, stepIndex, childInView=inView)
                 log.verbose("sequenceScanner: Child %s of sequence %s is in view? %s --> '%s'", compName(c), name, inView, inViewSequence)
@@ -365,42 +366,41 @@ def sequenceScanner( HLTNode ):
 def decisionTreeFromChains(flags, HLTNode, chains, allDicts, newJO):
     """ Creates the decision tree, given the starting node and the chains containing the sequences  """
-    log.info("[decisionTreeFromChains] Run decisionTreeFromChains on %s", HLTNode.name())
-    HLTNodeName= HLTNode.name()
+    log.info("[decisionTreeFromChains] Run decisionTreeFromChains on %s", HLTNode.getName())
+    HLTNodeName = HLTNode.getName()
     if len(chains) == 0:
         log.info("[decisionTreeFromChains] Configuring empty decisionTree")
-        return []
+        acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+        if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+            acc.addSequence(HLTNode)
+        return ([], acc)
     (finalDecisions, CFseq_list) = createDataFlow(chains, allDicts)
-    if not newJO:
-        createControlFlow(flags, HLTNode, CFseq_list)
-    else:
-        raise RuntimeError('createControlFlowNewJO not implemented')
-        # createControlFlowNewJO(HLTNode, CFseq_list)
+    acc = createControlFlow(flags, HLTNode, CFseq_list)
-    # decode and attach HypoTools:
-    for chain in chains:
-        chain.createHypoTools()
     # create dot graphs
     log.debug("finalDecisions: %s", finalDecisions)
     if flags.Trigger.generateMenuDiagnostics:
         all_DataFlow_to_dot(HLTNodeName, CFseq_list)
+    if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+        acc.printConfig(withDetails = True, summariseProps = True) 
     # matrix display
     # uncomment for serious debugging
     # matrixDisplay( CFseq_list )
-    return finalDecisions
+    return (finalDecisions,acc)
 def createDataFlow(chains, allDicts):
     """ Creates the filters and connect them to the menu sequences"""
     # find tot nsteps
-    chainWithMaxSteps = max(chains, key=lambda chain: len(chain.steps))
+    chainWithMaxSteps = max(chains, key = lambda chain: len(chain.steps))
     NSTEPS = len(chainWithMaxSteps.steps)
     log.info("[createDataFlow] creating DF for %d chains and total %d steps", len(chains), NSTEPS)
@@ -431,53 +431,59 @@ def createDataFlow(chains, allDicts):
             log.debug("Set Filter input: %s while setting the chain: %s", filterInput, chain.name)
             # make one filter per step:
-            sequenceFilter= None
+            sequenceFilter = None            
             filterName = CFNaming.filterName(chainStep.name)
             if chainStep.isEmpty:
-                filterOutput= filterInput
+                filterOutput = filterInput
-                filterOutput =[ CFNaming.filterOutName(filterName, inputName) for inputName in filterInput ]
-            foundCFSeq = findCFSequences(filterName, CFseqList[nstep])
+                filterOutput = [CFNaming.filterOutName(filterName, inputName) for inputName in filterInput ]
+            foundCFSeq = [cfseq for cfseq in CFseqList[nstep] if filterName == cfseq.filter.Alg.getName()]            
             log.debug("Found %d CF sequences with filter name %s", len(foundCFSeq), filterName)
             if not foundCFSeq:
                 sequenceFilter = buildFilter(filterName, filterInput, chainStep.isEmpty)
-                CFseq = CFSequence( ChainStep=chainStep, FilterAlg=sequenceFilter)
+                if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+                    CFseq = CFSequenceCA( ChainStep = chainStep, FilterAlg = sequenceFilter)
+                else:
+                    CFseq = CFSequence( ChainStep = chainStep, FilterAlg = sequenceFilter)
-                lastDecisions=CFseq.decisions
-                lastCFseq=CFseq
-            else:
+                lastDecisions = CFseq.decisions
+                lastCFseq = CFseq
+            else:                
                 if len(foundCFSeq) > 1:
-                    log.error("Found more than one sequence containing filter %s", filterName)
-                lastCFseq=foundCFSeq[0]
-                sequenceFilter=lastCFseq.filter
-                [ sequenceFilter.addInput(inputName) for inputName in filterInput ]
-                [ sequenceFilter.addOutput(outputName) for outputName in  filterOutput ]
-                lastCFseq.connect(filterOutput)
-                if chainStep.isEmpty:
-                    lastDecisions=filterOutput
-                else:
-                    lastDecisions=lastCFseq.decisions
+                   log.error("Found more than one sequence containing filter %s", filterName)
+                lastCFseq = foundCFSeq[0]
+                sequenceFilter = lastCFseq.filter
+                if len(list(set(sequenceFilter.getInputList()).intersection(filterInput))) != len(list(set(filterInput))):
+                    [ sequenceFilter.addInput(inputName) for inputName in filterInput ]
+                    [ sequenceFilter.addOutput(outputName) for outputName in  filterOutput ]
+                    lastCFseq.connect(filterOutput)
+                lastDecisions = filterOutput if chainStep.isEmpty else lastCFseq.decisions
             # add chains to the filter:
             chainLegs = chainStep.getChainLegs()
             if len(chainLegs) != len(filterInput): 
-                log.error("[createDataFlow] lengths of chainlegs = %s differ from inputs=%s", str(chainLegs), str(filterInput))
+                log.error("[createDataFlow] lengths of chainlegs = %s differ from inputs = %s", str(chainLegs), str(filterInput))
                 raise Exception("[createDataFlow] Cannot proceed, exiting.")
             for finput, leg in zip(filterInput, chainLegs):
+                log.debug("Adding chain %s to input %s of %s", leg, finput,compName(sequenceFilter.Alg))
                 sequenceFilter.addChain(leg, finput)
-                log.debug("Adding chain %s to input %s of %s", leg, finput,sequenceFilter.Alg.name())
             log.debug("Now Filter has chains: %s", sequenceFilter.getChains())
             log.debug("Now Filter has chains/input: %s", sequenceFilter.getChainsPerInput())
-            if chainStep.combo is not None:
-                chainStep.combo.addChain( [d for d in allDicts if d['chainName'] == chain.name ][0])
-                log.debug("Added chains to ComboHypo: %s",chainStep.combo.getChains())
+            if lastCFseq.step.combo is not None:
+                lastCFseq.step.combo.addChain( [d for d in allDicts if d['chainName'] == chain.name ][0])
+                log.debug("Added chains to ComboHypo: %s",lastCFseq.step.combo.getChains())
                 log.debug("Combo not implemented if it's empty step")
+            # add HypoTools to this step (cumulating all same steps)
+            lastCFseq.createHypoTools(chain.name,chainStep)
             if len(chain.steps) == nstep+1:
                 log.debug("Adding finalDecisions for chain %s at step %d:", chain.name, nstep+1)
                 for dec in lastDecisions:
@@ -485,10 +491,9 @@ def createDataFlow(chains, allDicts):
         #end of loop over steps
-        log.debug("\n Built CF for chain %s with %d steps: \n   - %s ", chain.name,len(chain.steps),'\n   - '.join(map(str, [{step.name:step.multiplicity} for step in chain.steps])))
+        log.debug("\n Built CD for chain %s with %d steps: \n   - %s ", chain.name,len(chain.steps),'\n   - '.join(map(str, [{step.name:step.multiplicity} for step in chain.steps])))
     #end of loop over chains
     log.debug("End of createDataFlow for %d chains and total %d steps", len(chains), NSTEPS)
     return (finalDecisions, CFseqList)
@@ -496,48 +501,94 @@ def createDataFlow(chains, allDicts):
 def createControlFlow(flags, HLTNode, CFseqList):
     """ Creates Control Flow Tree starting from the CFSequences"""
-    HLTNodeName= HLTNode.name()
-    log.debug("createControlFlow on node %s",HLTNodeName)
-    for nstep in range(len(CFseqList)):
+    HLTNodeName = HLTNode.getName()    
+    log.debug("[createControlFlow] on node %s",HLTNodeName)
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+        acc.addSequence(HLTNode)
+    for nstep, sequences in enumerate(CFseqList):    
         stepSequenceName =  CFNaming.stepName(nstep)
         log.debug("\n******** Create CF Tree %s with AthSequencers", stepSequenceName)
-        #first make the filter step
-        stepFilterNode = createStepFilterNode(stepSequenceName, CFseqList[nstep], dump=False)
-        HLTNode += stepFilterNode
-        # then the reco step
-        stepRecoNode = createStepRecoNode(stepSequenceName, CFseqList[nstep], dump=False)
-        HLTNode += stepRecoNode
+        # create filter node
+        log.debug("[createControlFlow] Create filter step %s with %d filters", stepSequenceName, len(CFseqList[nstep])) 
+        stepCFFilter = parOR(stepSequenceName + CFNaming.FILTER_POSTFIX)
+        if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+            acc.addSequence(stepCFFilter, parentName=HLTNodeName)
+        else:
+            HLTNode += stepCFFilter
+        filter_list = []
+        # add the filter to the node
+        for cseq in sequences: 
+            filterAlg = cseq.filter.Alg 
+            if filterAlg.getName() not in filter_list:
+                log.debug("[createControlFlow] Add  %s to filter node %s", filterAlg.getName(), stepSequenceName)
+                filter_list.append(filterAlg.getName())                
+                if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():                    
+                    stepCFFilter.Members += [filterAlg]
+                else:
+                    stepCFFilter += filterAlg
+        # create reco step node
+        log.debug("[createControlFlow] Create reco step %s with %d sequences", stepSequenceName, len(CFseqList))
+        stepCFReco = parOR(stepSequenceName + CFNaming.RECO_POSTFIX)              
+        if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+            acc.addSequence(stepCFReco, parentName = HLTNodeName)
+        else:
+            HLTNode += stepCFReco
+        # add the sequences to the reco node
+        for cseq in sequences:             
+            log.debug(" *** Create CF Tree for CFSequence %s", cseq.step.name)
+            if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+                acc.merge( cseq.ca, sequenceName = stepCFReco.getName())
+            else:
+                filterAlg = cseq.filter.Alg  
+                if len(cseq.step.sequences) == 0:  
+                    stepCFReco += filterAlg                 
+                else:
+                    seqAndWithFilter = seqAND(cseq.step.name)  
+                    stepReco = parOR(cseq.step.name + CFNaming.RECO_POSTFIX)                                 
+                    seqAndWithFilter += [filterAlg, stepReco]
+                    recoSeqSet = set()
+                    hypoSet = set()
+                    for menuseq in cseq.step.sequences:
+                        menuseq.addToSequencer(recoSeqSet, hypoSet)
+                    stepReco += sorted(list(recoSeqSet), key = lambda t: t.getName())
+                    seqAndWithFilter += sorted(list(hypoSet), key = lambda t: t.getName()) 
+                    if cseq.step.combo is not None:         
+                        seqAndWithFilter += cseq.step.combo.Alg
+                    stepCFReco += seqAndWithFilter
-        # then the monitor summary
+        # add the monitor summary
         stepDecisions = []
         for CFseq in CFseqList[nstep]:
-        summary=makeSummary( flags, stepSequenceName, stepDecisions )
-        HLTNode += summary
+        summary = makeSummary( flags, stepSequenceName, stepDecisions )
+        if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+            acc.addEventAlgo([summary],sequenceName = HLTNode.getName())            
+        else:
+            HLTNode += summary
         if flags.Trigger.generateMenuDiagnostics:
-            log.debug("Now Draw...")
-            stepCF_DataFlow_to_dot(stepRecoNode.name(), CFseqList[nstep])
-            stepCF_ControlFlow_to_dot(stepRecoNode)
+            log.debug("Now Draw Menu Diagnostic dot graphs...")
+            stepCF_DataFlow_to_dot( stepCFReco.getName(), CFseqList[nstep] )
+            stepCF_ControlFlow_to_dot( stepCFReco )
         log.debug("************* End of step %d, %s", nstep+1, stepSequenceName)
-    return
+    return acc
-def findCFSequences(filter_name, cfseqList):
-      """
-      Searches for a filter, with given name, in the CF sequence list of this step
-      """
-      foundFilters = [cfseq for cfseq in cfseqList if filter_name == cfseq.filter.Alg.name()]
-      return foundFilters
 def buildFilter(filter_name,  filter_input, empty):
@@ -548,18 +599,22 @@ def buildFilter(filter_name,  filter_input, empty):
      one filter per previous sequence: 1 input/previous seq, 1 output/next seq
     if empty:
-        sfilter = PassFilterNode(name=filter_name)
+        log.debug("Calling PassFilterNode %s", filter_name)
+        sfilter = PassFilterNode(name = filter_name)
         for i in filter_input:
-        sfilter = RoRSequenceFilterNode(name=filter_name)
+        sfilter = RoRSequenceFilterNode(name = filter_name)        
         for i in filter_input:
             sfilter.addOutput(CFNaming.filterOutName(filter_name, i))
     log.debug("Added inputs to filter: %s", sfilter.getInputList())
     log.debug("Added outputs to filter: %s", sfilter.getOutputList())
-    log.debug("Filter Done: %s", sfilter.Alg.name())
+    log.debug("Filter Done: %s", compName(sfilter.Alg))
     return (sfilter)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFConfig_newJO.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFConfig_newJO.py
index 235e1aea55fdd8865b874e12f8d74a05c7bec1d2..ea7b1efed897400cb470293548dd2a16776bdd62 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFConfig_newJO.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/ControlFlow/HLTCFConfig_newJO.py
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ def commonWithOtherOutput(acc, newInputColl, filterAlg ):
     return None
-def generateDecisionTree(flags, chains):
+def generateDecisionTree(flags, HLTMenuConfig):
     """Creates CF algorithms
     The implementation relies of functions that build a small element of it.
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ def generateDecisionTree(flags, chains):
     The functions check the global boolean theCFisFixed - and if set to True no CF algorithms are further constructed (assertion error is generated).
+    chains=HLTMenuConfig.configsList()
     acc = ComponentAccumulator()
     mainSequence = seqOR('HLTAllSteps')
     acc.addSequence( mainSequence )
@@ -424,7 +425,6 @@ def generateDecisionTree(flags, chains):
                 needCombo = False
                 for sequenceCounter, sequence in enumerate(step.sequences):
                     if not isinstance(sequence, EmptyMenuSequence): # not an empty sequence
-                        log.debug("Sequence %d: IM=%s, Hypo=%s, comboReco=%s", sequenceCounter, sequence.ca.inputMaker().name,  sequence.ca.hypo().name, comboRecoSeq.name)
                         connectIMAndHypo(sequence.ca.inputMaker(), sequence.ca.hypo()) # setup basic CF                        
                         acc.merge( sequence.ca, sequenceName=comboRecoSeq.name)
                         log.debug("MERGE: sequence %s, sequenceName=%s", sequence, comboRecoSeq.name)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/GenerateMenuMT.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/GenerateMenuMT.py
index dfd4cc6e5d69bb864731bfe62715f7e633eb524e..58b2d91382b865de1ded4c9233282a2aca1b1033 100755
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/GenerateMenuMT.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/GenerateMenuMT.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFTools import NoCAmigration
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class Singleton(type):
     _instances = {}
     def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/GenerateMenuMT_newJO.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/GenerateMenuMT_newJO.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 5db63b79ea2ded244d9f329046b5d05d770f9b26..934a98ff225625906b2b2af4d98a1e8a2fdb9f63
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/GenerateMenuMT_newJO.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/GenerateMenuMT_newJO.py
@@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
 import itertools
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.DictFromChainName import dictFromChainName
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFConfig_newJO import generateDecisionTree
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFConfig import decisionTreeFromChains, sequenceScanner
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
+from AthenaCommon.CFElements import seqAND
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.HLTMenuConfig import HLTMenuConfig
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.ChainMerging import mergeChainDefs
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.ChainDictTools import splitInterSignatureChainDict
@@ -179,18 +182,16 @@ class FilterChainsToGenerate(object):
 def generateMenuMT(flags): 
     Interface between CA and MenuMT using ChainConfigurationBase
-    """
+    """     
     # Generate the menu, stolen from HLT_standalone
     from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.GenerateMenuMT import GenerateMenuMT
     menu = GenerateMenuMT() 
-    chainsToGenerate = FilterChainsToGenerate(flags)          
+    chainsToGenerate = FilterChainsToGenerate(flags)  
+    log.debug("Filtering chains ")        
     finalListOfChainConfigs = menu.generateAllChainConfigs(flags)
     log.info("Length of FinalListofChainConfigs %s", len(finalListOfChainConfigs))
     # make sure that we didn't generate any steps that are fully empty in all chains
@@ -198,9 +199,8 @@ def generateMenuMT(flags):
     finalListOfChainConfigs = menu.resolveEmptySteps(finalListOfChainConfigs)
     log.info("finalListOfChainConfig %s", finalListOfChainConfigs)
     log.info("Making the HLT configuration tree")
-    menuAcc=generateMenuAcc(flags)
+    menuAcc=makeHLTTree(flags)
     # generate L1 menu
     # This probably will go to TriggerConfig.triggerRunCfg
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ def LoadAndGenerateMenu(flags):
     Load and generate Chain configurations, without ChainConfigurationBase
-    menuAcc= generateMenuAcc(flags)
+    menuAcc= makeHLTTree(flags)
     # The L1 presacles do not get created in the menu setup
     from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcCfg import generateL1Menu, createL1PrescalesFileFromMenu
@@ -222,18 +222,29 @@ def LoadAndGenerateMenu(flags):
     return menuAcc
-def generateMenuAcc(flags):
+def makeHLTTree(flags):
     Generate appropriate Control Flow Graph wiht all HLT algorithms
-    menuAcc = generateDecisionTree(flags, HLTMenuConfig.configsList())
+    log.info("newJO version of makeHLTTree")
+    acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+    steps = seqAND('HLTAllSteps')
+    finalDecisions, menuAcc = decisionTreeFromChains(flags, steps, HLTMenuConfig.configsList(), HLTMenuConfig.dictsList(), newJO=False)        
     if log.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
-    log.info('CF is built')
+    acc.merge(menuAcc)
+    successful_scan = sequenceScanner( steps )
+    if not successful_scan:
+        raise Exception("[makeHLTTree] At least one sequence is expected in more than one step. Check error messages and fix!")    
+    flatDecisions=[]
+    for step in finalDecisions:
+        flatDecisions.extend (step)
     # # generate JOSON representation of the config
     from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.JSON.HLTMenuJSON import generateJSON_newJO
     generateJSON_newJO(flags, HLTMenuConfig.dictsList(), HLTMenuConfig.configsList(), menuAcc.getSequence("HLTAllSteps"))
@@ -241,6 +252,8 @@ def generateMenuAcc(flags):
     from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.JSON.HLTPrescaleJSON import generateJSON_newJO as generatePrescaleJSON_newJO
     generatePrescaleJSON_newJO(flags, HLTMenuConfig.dictsList(), HLTMenuConfig.configsList())
+    from AthenaCommon.CFElements import checkSequenceConsistency 
+    checkSequenceConsistency(steps)
     return menuAcc
@@ -263,3 +276,5 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     log.info("All ok")
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/MenuComponents.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/MenuComponents.py
index 088b700bba114253be388df3f760f494d4fc5247..56969136cff0d92cfd18032192d943d2f263eb93 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/MenuComponents.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/MenuComponents.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.HLTMenuConfig import HLTMenuConfig
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.MenuComponentsNaming import CFNaming
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.ControlFlow.HLTCFTools import (NoHypoToolCreated, 
+                                                             NoCAmigration,
@@ -16,12 +17,14 @@ from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
 from AthenaConfiguration.AccumulatorCache import AccumulatorCache
 from DecisionHandling.DecisionHandlingConfig import ComboHypoCfg
+import GaudiConfig2
 from GaudiKernel.DataHandle import DataHandle
 from HLTSeeding.HLTSeedingConfig import mapThresholdToL1DecisionCollection
 from TrigCompositeUtils.TrigCompositeUtils import legName
 from AthenaCommon.Configurable import ConfigurableCABehavior
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import appendCAtoAthena, conf2toConfigurable
 from TriggerJobOpts.TriggerConfigFlags import ROBPrefetching
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import isComponentAccumulatorCfg
 from collections.abc import MutableSequence
 import collections.abc
@@ -29,7 +32,6 @@ import re
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )
 # Pool of mutable ComboHypo instances (as opposed to immutable cache of RecoFragmentsPool)
 _ComboHypoPool = dict()
@@ -37,16 +39,16 @@ _ComboHypoPool = dict()
 class Node(object):
     """base class representing one Alg + inputs + outputs, to be used to Draw dot diagrams and connect objects"""
     def __init__(self, Alg):
-        self.name = ("%sNode")%( Alg.name )
+        self.name = ("%sNode")%( Alg.getName() )
     def addOutput(self, name):
-        self.outputs.append(str(name) if isinstance(name, DataHandle) else name)
+        self.outputs.append(str(name))
     def addInput(self, name):
-        self.inputs.append(str(name) if isinstance(name, DataHandle) else name)
+        self.inputs.append(str(name)) 
     def getOutputList(self):
         return self.outputs
@@ -55,16 +57,15 @@ class Node(object):
         return self.inputs
     def __repr__(self):
-        return "Node::%s  [%s] -> [%s]"%(self.Alg.name, ' '.join(map(str, self.getInputList())), ' '.join(map(str, self.getOutputList())))
+        return "Node::%s  [%s] -> [%s]"%(self.Alg.getName(), ' '.join(map(str, self.getInputList())), ' '.join(map(str, self.getOutputList())))
 class AlgNode(Node):
     """Node class that connects inputs and outputs to basic alg. properties """
     def __init__(self, Alg, inputProp, outputProp):
         Node.__init__(self, Alg)
-        self.outputProp=outputProp
-        self.inputProp=inputProp
+        self.outputProp = outputProp
+        self.inputProp = inputProp
     def addDefaultOutput(self):
         if self.outputProp != '':
@@ -88,7 +89,6 @@ class AlgNode(Node):
     def getPar(self, prop):
         return getProp(self.Alg, prop)
     def resetOutput(self):
@@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ class AlgNode(Node):
     def addOutput(self, name):
         outputs = self.readOutputList()
-        log.debug("Outputs: %s", outputs)
         if name in outputs:
             log.debug("Output DH not added in %s: %s already set!", self.Alg.getName(), name)
@@ -139,18 +138,15 @@ class HypoToolConf(object):
         self.hypoToolGen = hypoToolGen
     def setConf( self, chainDict):
         if type(chainDict) is not dict:
             raise RuntimeError("Configuring hypo with %s, not good anymore, use chainDict" % str(chainDict) )
         self.chainDict = chainDict
     def create(self):
         """creates instance of the hypo tool"""
         return self.hypoToolGen( self.chainDict )
     def confAndCreate(self, chainDict):
         """sets the configuration and creates instance of the hypo tool"""
@@ -177,9 +173,12 @@ class HypoAlgNode(AlgNode):
     def addHypoTool (self, hypoToolConf):
-        log.debug("Adding HypoTool %s to %s", hypoToolConf.chainDict['chainName'], compName(self.Alg))
+        log.debug("Adding HypoTool %s for chain %s to %s", hypoToolConf.name, hypoToolConf.chainDict['chainName'], self.Alg.getName())        
             self.Alg.HypoTools = self.Alg.HypoTools + [hypoToolConf.create()]  # see ATEAM-773
+            if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+                assert isinstance(self.Alg.HypoTools[-1], GaudiConfig2._configurables.Configurable), "The Hypo Tool for {} is not Configurable2".format(hypoToolConf.chainDict['chainName'])
         except NoHypoToolCreated as e:
             log.debug("%s returned empty tool: %s", hypoToolConf.name, e)
@@ -204,22 +203,29 @@ class InputMakerNode(AlgNode):
     def __init__(self, Alg):
         assert isInputMakerBase(Alg), "Error in creating InputMakerNode from Alg "  + compName(Alg)
         AlgNode.__init__(self,  Alg, 'InputMakerInputDecisions', 'InputMakerOutputDecisions')
+        self.resetInput()
+        self.resetOutput() ## why do we need this in CA mode??
         input_maker_output = CFNaming.inputMakerOutName(compName(self.Alg))
 class ComboMaker(AlgNode):
     def __init__(self, name, comboHypoCfg):
-        self.prop1="MultiplicitiesMap"
-        self.prop2="LegToInputCollectionMap"
+        self.prop1 = "MultiplicitiesMap"
+        self.prop2 = "LegToInputCollectionMap"
         self.comboHypoCfg = comboHypoCfg
         Alg = self.create( name )
         log.debug("ComboMaker init: Alg %s", name)
         AlgNode.__init__(self,  Alg, 'HypoInputDecisions', 'HypoOutputDecisions')
+        self.resetInput()
+        self.resetOutput() ## why do we need this in CA mode??
+        # reset the chains, why do we need to do it?
+        setattr(self.Alg, self.prop1, {})
+        setattr(self.Alg, self.prop2, {})
     def create (self, name):
         log.debug("ComboMaker.create %s",name)
-        return self.comboHypoCfg(name=name)
+        return self.comboHypoCfg(name=name)        
     AlgNode automatically de-duplicates input ReadHandles upon repeated calls to addInput.
@@ -241,11 +247,10 @@ class ComboMaker(AlgNode):
     def addInput(self, name):        
         return AlgNode.addInput(self, name)
-    def addChain(self, chainDict):
+    def addChain(self, chainDict):        
         chainName = chainDict['chainName']
-        chainMult = chainDict['chainMultiplicities']
-        legsToInputCollections = self.mapRawInputsToInputsIndex()
+        chainMult = chainDict['chainMultiplicities']        
+        legsToInputCollections = self.mapRawInputsToInputsIndex()                
         if len(chainMult) != len(legsToInputCollections):
             log.error("ComboMaker for Alg:{} with addChain for:{} Chain multiplicity:{} Per leg input collection index:{}."
                 .format(compName(self.Alg), chainName, tuple(chainMult), tuple(legsToInputCollections)))
@@ -254,24 +259,25 @@ class ComboMaker(AlgNode):
             log.error("Check why ComboMaker.addInput(...) was not called exactly once per leg.")
             raise Exception("[createDataFlow] Error in ComboMaker.addChain. Cannot proceed.")
-        cval1 = self.Alg.getProperties()[self.prop1]  # check necessary to see if chain was added already?
-        cval2 = self.Alg.getProperties()[self.prop2]
-        if type(cval1) is dict:
+        cval1 = getProp(self.Alg, self.prop1)  # check necessary to see if chain was added already?
+        cval2 = getProp(self.Alg, self.prop2)          
+        if type(cval1) is dict or isinstance(cval1, GaudiConfig2.semantics._DictHelper):
             if chainName in cval1.keys():
                 log.error("ERROR in configuration: ComboAlg %s has already been configured for chain %s", compName(self.Alg), chainName)
                 raise Exception("[createDataFlow] Error in ComboMaker.addChain. Cannot proceed.")
-                cval1[chainName]=chainMult
-                cval2[chainName]=legsToInputCollections
+                cval1[chainName] = chainMult
+                cval2[chainName] = legsToInputCollections
             cval1 = {chainName : chainMult}
             cval2 = {chainName : legsToInputCollections} 
         setattr(self.Alg, self.prop1, cval1)
         setattr(self.Alg, self.prop2, cval2)
     def getChains(self):
-        cval = self.Alg.getProperties()[self.prop1]
+        cval = getProp(self.Alg, self.prop1)        
         return cval.keys()
@@ -282,6 +288,7 @@ class ComboMaker(AlgNode):
          confs = [ HypoToolConf( tool ) for tool in comboToolConfs ]
          log.debug("ComboMaker.createComboHypoTools for chain %s, Alg %s with %d tools", chainDict["chainName"],self.Alg.getName(), len(comboToolConfs))        
          for conf in confs:
+             log.debug("ComboMaker.createComboHypoTools adding %s", conf)
              tools = self.Alg.ComboHypoTools
              self.Alg.ComboHypoTools = tools + [ conf.confAndCreate( chainDict ) ]
@@ -290,6 +297,8 @@ class ComboMaker(AlgNode):
 # Now sequences and chains
 class EmptyMenuSequence(object):
     """ Class to emulate reco sequences with no Hypo"""
     """ By construction it has no Hypo;"""
@@ -302,7 +311,7 @@ class EmptyMenuSequence(object):
         Maker.isEmptyStep = True 
         Maker.RoIsLink = 'initialRoI' #(this is the default property, just making it explicit)
         self._maker       = InputMakerNode( Alg = Maker )
-        self._seed=''
+        self._seed        = ''
         self._sequence    = Node( Alg = seqAND(the_name, [Maker]))
         log.debug("Made EmptySequence %s",the_name)
@@ -326,7 +335,10 @@ class EmptyMenuSequence(object):
     def createHypoTools(self, chainDict):
-        log.debug("This sequence is empty. No Hypo to conficure")
+        log.debug("This sequence is empty. No Hypo to configure")
+    def getHypoToolConf(self):
+        return None
     def addToSequencer(self, recoSeq_list, hypo_list):
@@ -334,10 +346,8 @@ class EmptyMenuSequence(object):
     def buildDFDot(self, cfseq_algs, all_hypos, last_step_hypo_nodes, file):
         cfseq_algs.append(self.sequence )
         file.write("    %s[fillcolor=%s]\n"%(self._maker.Alg.getName(), algColor(self._maker.Alg)))
         file.write("    %s[fillcolor=%s]\n"%(self.sequence.Alg.getName(), algColor(self.sequence.Alg)))
         return cfseq_algs, all_hypos, last_step_hypo_nodes
     def setSeed( self, seed ):
@@ -356,19 +366,25 @@ class MenuSequence(object):
         # For probe legs we need to substitute the inputmaker and hypo alg
         # so we will use temp variables for both
-        if IsProbe:
-            log.debug("MenuSequence: found a probe leg")
-            _Hypo = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(MenuSequence.getProbeHypo,ConfigFlags,basehypo=Hypo)
-            # Reset this so that HypoAlgNode.addOutput will actually do something
-            _Hypo.HypoOutputDecisions = "StoreGateSvc+UNSPECIFIED_OUTPUT"
-            _Maker = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(MenuSequence.getProbeInputMaker,ConfigFlags,baseIM=Maker)
+        if IsProbe: 
+            from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import isComponentAccumulatorCfg           
+            if isComponentAccumulatorCfg(): 
+                #_Hypo = Hypo
+                #_Maker = Maker
+                #_Sequence = Sequence 
+                log.warning(str(NoCAmigration('[MenuSequence] found a probe leg, dont know how to clone, no sequence {0}_probe created for CA components'.format(compName(Hypo))) ))                                                
+            else:
+                _Hypo = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(MenuSequence.getProbeHypo,ConfigFlags,basehypo=Hypo)
+                # Reset this so that HypoAlgNode.addOutput will actually do something
+                _Hypo.HypoOutputDecisions = "StoreGateSvc+UNSPECIFIED_OUTPUT"
+                _Maker = RecoFragmentsPool.retrieve(MenuSequence.getProbeInputMaker,ConfigFlags,baseIM=Maker)
         else: # For regular legs, just use the provided components
             _Hypo = Hypo
             _Maker = Maker
             _Sequence = Sequence
-        self._maker       = InputMakerNode( Alg = _Maker )
-        self._seed=''
+        self._maker = InputMakerNode( Alg = _Maker )
+        self._seed =''
         input_maker_output= self.maker.readOutputList()[0] # only one since it's merged
         # Connect InputMaker output to ROBPrefetchingAlg(s) if there are any (except for probe seq which is handled later)
@@ -393,29 +409,34 @@ class MenuSequence(object):
         if IsProbe:
             def getProbeSequence(baseSeq,probeIM):
-                # Add IM and sequence contents to duplicated sequence
-                probeSeq = baseSeq.clone(baseSeq.name()+"_probe")
-                probeSeq += probeIM                
-                if isinstance(probeIM,CompFactory.EventViewCreatorAlgorithm):
-                    for child in baseSeq.getChildren()[1:]:
-                        probeChild = child.clone(child.name()+"_probe")
-                        if hasProp(child,'ROBPrefetchingInputDecisions') and (ROBPrefetching.StepRoI in ConfigFlags.Trigger.ROBPrefetchingOptions):
-                            # child is a ROB prefetching alg, map the probe IM decisions
-                            probeChild.ROBPrefetchingInputDecisions = [str(probeIM.InputMakerOutputDecisions)]
-                        elif probeIM.ViewNodeName == child.name():
-                            # child is the view alg sequence, map it to the probe sequence
-                            probeIM.ViewNodeName = probeChild.name()
-                            for viewalg in child.getChildren():
-                                probeChild += viewalg
-                        probeSeq += probeChild
+                if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+                    probeSeq = None #baseSeq
+                    #probeSeq.name= baseSeq.getName()+"_probe"
+                    log.warning(str(NoCAmigration('[MenuSequence] found a probe leg, dont know how to clone, no sequence {0}_probe created for CA components'.format(compName(Hypo))) ))                                
+                else:
+                    # Add IM and sequence contents to duplicated sequence
+                    probeSeq = baseSeq.clone(baseSeq.getName()+"_probe")
+                    probeSeq += probeIM                
+                    if isinstance(probeIM,CompFactory.EventViewCreatorAlgorithm):
+                        for child in baseSeq.getChildren()[1:]:
+                            probeChild = child.clone(child.getName()+"_probe")
+                            if hasProp(child,'ROBPrefetchingInputDecisions') and (ROBPrefetching.StepRoI in ConfigFlags.Trigger.ROBPrefetchingOptions):
+                                # child is a ROB prefetching alg, map the probe IM decisions
+                                probeChild.ROBPrefetchingInputDecisions = [str(probeIM.InputMakerOutputDecisions)]
+                            elif probeIM.ViewNodeName == child.getName():
+                                # child is the view alg sequence, map it to the probe sequence
+                                probeIM.ViewNodeName = probeChild.getName()
+                                for viewalg in child.getChildren():
+                                    probeChild += viewalg
+                            probeSeq += probeChild
                 return probeSeq
             # Make sure nothing was lost
             _Sequence = getProbeSequence(baseSeq=Sequence,probeIM=_Maker)
-            assert len(_Sequence.getChildren()) == len(Sequence.getChildren()), f'Different number of children in sequence {_Sequence.name()} vs {Sequence.name()} ({len(_Sequence.getChildren())} vs {len(Sequence.getChildren())})'
+            assert len(_Sequence.getChildren()) == len(Sequence.getChildren()), f'Different number of children in sequence {_Sequence.getName()} vs {Sequence.getName()} ({len(_Sequence.getChildren())} vs {len(Sequence.getChildren())})'
         self._sequence = Node( Alg=_Sequence)
-        log.debug("MenuSequence.connect: connecting InputMaker and HypoAlg, adding: \n\
+        log.debug("connecting InputMaker and HypoAlg, adding: \n\
                         compName(self.maker.Alg), input_maker_output)   
         log.debug("HypoAlg::%s.HypoInputDecisions=%s, \n \
@@ -445,14 +466,14 @@ class MenuSequence(object):
     def getProbeHypo(flags,basehypo):
         '''Clone hypo & input maker'''
-        probehypo = basehypo.clone(basehypo.name()+"_probe")
+        probehypo = basehypo.clone(basehypo.getName()+"_probe")
         for p,v in basehypo.getValuedProperties().items():
         return probehypo
     def getProbeInputMaker(flags,baseIM):
-        probeIM = baseIM.clone(baseIM.name()+"_probe")
+        probeIM = baseIM.clone(baseIM.getName()+"_probe")
         for p,v in baseIM.getValuedProperties().items():
@@ -481,29 +502,13 @@ class MenuSequence(object):
         return outputlist
     def connectToFilter(self, outfilter):
         """ Connect filter to the InputMaker"""
-        self._maker.addInput(outfilter)
-    def connect(self, Hypo, HypoToolGen):
-        """ Sets the input and output of the hypo, and links to the input maker """
-        input_maker_output= self._maker.readOutputList()[0] # only one since it's merged
-        #### Add input/output Decision to Hypo      
-        self.name = CFNaming.menuSequenceName(compName(Hypo))
-        self.hypoToolConf = HypoToolConf( HypoToolGen )
-        self._hypo = HypoAlgNode( Alg = Hypo )
-        hypo_output = CFNaming.hypoAlgOutName(compName(Hypo))
-        self._hypo.addOutput(hypo_output)
-        self._hypo.setPreviousDecision( input_maker_output)
-        log.debug("MenuSequence.connect: connecting InputMaker and HypoAlg and OverlapRemoverAlg, adding: \n\
-        InputMaker::%s.output=%s",\
-                        compName(self._maker.Alg), input_maker_output)     
-        log.debug("HypoAlg::%s.previousDecision=%s, \n HypoAlg::%s.output=%s",\
-                      compName(self._hypo.Alg), input_maker_output, compName(self._hypo.Alg), self._hypo.readOutputList()[0])
+        log.debug("connecting %s to inputs of %s", outfilter,compName(self._maker.Alg))        
+        self._maker.addInput(outfilter)        
     def createHypoTools(self, chainDict):
         if type(self._hypoToolConf) is list:
             log.warning ("This sequence %s has %d multiple HypoTools ",self.sequence.name, len(self.hypoToolConf))
@@ -512,28 +517,29 @@ class MenuSequence(object):
             self._hypoToolConf.setConf( chainDict )
-            self._hypo.addHypoTool(self._hypoToolConf) #this creates the HypoTools  
+            self._hypo.addHypoTool(self._hypoToolConf) #this creates the HypoTools 
+    def getHypoToolConf(self) :
+        return self._hypoToolConf
+    def getHypoToolMap(self,chainDict) :
+        self._hypoToolConf.setConf( chainDict )
+        return (self._hypo.Alg.getName(), self._hypoToolConf)
     def addToSequencer(self, recoSeq_list, hypo_list):
     def buildDFDot(self, cfseq_algs, all_hypos, last_step_hypo_nodes, file):
         cfseq_algs.append(self.sequence )
         file.write("    %s[fillcolor=%s]\n"%(self._maker.Alg.getName(), algColor(self._maker.Alg)))
-        file.write("    %s[fillcolor=%s]\n"%(self.sequence.Alg.getName(), algColor(self.sequence.Alg)))
+        file.write("    %s[fillcolor=%s]\n"%(self.sequence.Alg.getName(), algColor(self.sequence.Alg)))    
         file.write("    %s[color=%s]\n"%(self._hypo.Alg.getName(), algColor(self._hypo.Alg)))
         return cfseq_algs, all_hypos, last_step_hypo_nodes
     def setSeed( self, seed ):
         self._seed = seed
@@ -547,36 +553,48 @@ class MenuSequence(object):
 class MenuSequenceCA(MenuSequence):
     ''' MenuSequence with Component Accumulator '''
-    def __init__(self, selectionCA, HypoToolGen ):
+    def __init__(self, selectionCA, HypoToolGen, isProbe=False ):
         self.ca = selectionCA
         allAlgs = self.ca.getEventAlgos()
         inputMaker = [ a for a in allAlgs if isInputMakerBase(a)]
         assert len(inputMaker) == 1, "Wrong number of input makers in the component accumulator {}".format(len(inputMaker))
-        inputMaker = inputMaker[0]
+        inputMaker = inputMaker[0]        
         hypoAlg = [ a for a in allAlgs if isHypoAlg(a)]
         assert len(hypoAlg) == 1, "Wrong number of hypo algs in the component accumulator {}".format(len(hypoAlg))
-        hypoAlg = hypoAlg[0]
-        MenuSequence.__init__(self, self.ca.getSequence(), inputMaker,  hypoAlg, HypoToolGen)
+        hypoAlg = hypoAlg[0]         
+        MenuSequence.__init__(self, self.ca.topSequence(), inputMaker,  hypoAlg, HypoToolGen, IsProbe=isProbe)
     def sequence(self):
-        makerAlg = self.ca.getEventAlgo(self._maker.Alg.name)
+        makerAlg = self.ca.getEventAlgo(self._maker.Alg.getName())
         self._maker.Alg = makerAlg
         return self._sequence
     def maker(self):
-        makerAlg = self.ca.getEventAlgo(self._maker.Alg.name)
+        makerAlg = self.ca.getEventAlgo(self._maker.Alg.getName())
         self._maker.Alg = makerAlg
         return self._maker
     def hypo(self):
-        hypoAlg = self.ca.getEventAlgo(self._hypo.Alg.name)
+        hypoAlg = self.ca.getEventAlgo(self._hypo.Alg.getName())
         self._hypo.Alg = hypoAlg
         return self._hypo
+class EmptyMenuSequenceCA(EmptyMenuSequence):
+    def __init__(self, the_name):
+        self.ca=ComponentAccumulator()
+        EmptyMenuSequence.__init__(self,the_name )
+        self.ca.addEventAlgo(self._maker.Alg)
+    @property
+    def maker(self):
+        makerAlg = self.ca.getEventAlgo(self._maker.Alg.getName())
+        self._maker.Alg = makerAlg
+        return self._maker
 class Chain(object):
     """Basic class to define the trigger menu """
@@ -586,11 +604,11 @@ class Chain(object):
         Construct the Chain from the steps
         Out of all arguments the ChainSteps & L1Thresholds are most relevant, the chain name is used in debug messages
-        self.name = name
-        self.steps=ChainSteps
+        self.name   = name
+        self.steps  = ChainSteps
         self.nSteps = nSteps
         self.alignmentGroups = alignmentGroups
-        self.vseeds=L1Thresholds
+        self.vseeds = L1Thresholds
         # The chain holds a map of topo ComboHypoTool configurators
         # This is needed to allow placement of the ComboHypoTool in the right position
@@ -737,21 +755,15 @@ class Chain(object):
                     self.name, ' '.join(map(str, self.L1decisions)), '\n '.join(map(str, self.steps)))
-class StepComponent(object):
-    """ Class to build hte ChainStep, for including empty sequences"""
-    def __init__(self, sequence, multiplicity,empty):
-        self.sequence=sequence
-        self.multiplicity=multiplicity
-        self.empty=empty
 # next:  can we remove multiplicity array, if it can be retrieved from the ChainDict?
 class ChainStep(object):
     """Class to describe one step of a chain; if multiplicity is greater than 1, the step is combo/combined.  Set one multiplicity value per sequence"""
-    def __init__(self, name,  Sequences=[], multiplicity=[1], chainDicts=[], comboHypoCfg=ComboHypoCfg, comboToolConfs=[], isEmpty = False, createsGhostLegs = False):
+    def __init__(self, name,  Sequences = [], multiplicity = [1], chainDicts = [], comboHypoCfg = ComboHypoCfg, comboToolConfs = [], isEmpty = False, createsGhostLegs = False):
         # TODO: remove parameter multiplicity, since this must be extracted from the ChainDict ATR-23928
         # include cases of empty steps with multiplicity = [] or multiplicity=[0,0,0///]
-        if sum(multiplicity)==0:
-            multiplicity=[]
+        if sum(multiplicity) == 0:
+            multiplicity = []
             log.debug("chain %s, step %s: len=%d multiplicty=%d", chainDicts[0]['chainName'], name, len(chainDicts), len(multiplicity))
             # sanity check on inputs, excluding empty steps
@@ -766,9 +778,9 @@ class ChainStep(object):
                 log.error("[ChainStep] multiplicities: %s",multiplicity)
                 raise RuntimeError("Tried to configure a ChainStep %s with %i Sequences and %i multiplicities. These lists must have the same size" % (name, len(Sequences), len(multiplicity)) )
-        self.name = name
-        self.sequences=Sequences
-        self.onlyJets = False
+        self.name      = name
+        self.sequences = Sequences
+        self.onlyJets  = False
         sig_set = None
         if len(chainDicts) > 0  and 'signature' in chainDicts[0]: 
             leg_signatures = [step['signature'] for step in chainDicts if step['signature'] != 'Bjet']
@@ -782,10 +794,10 @@ class ChainStep(object):
                 self.onlyJets = True
         self.multiplicity = multiplicity
-        self.comboHypoCfg=comboHypoCfg
+        self.comboHypoCfg = comboHypoCfg
         self.comboToolConfs = list(comboToolConfs)
         self.stepDicts = chainDicts # one dict per leg
-        self.isEmpty=(sum(multiplicity)==0 or isEmpty)
+        self.isEmpty = (sum(multiplicity) == 0 or isEmpty)
         if not self.isEmpty:
@@ -870,22 +882,21 @@ class ChainStep(object):
     def makeCombo(self):
-        self.combo=None 
+        self.combo = None 
         if self.isEmpty or self.comboHypoCfg is None:
-            return
+            return        
         comboName = CFNaming.comboHypoName(self.name)
         key = hash((comboName, self.comboHypoCfg))
-        if key not in _ComboHypoPool:
+        if key not in _ComboHypoPool:            
             _ComboHypoPool[key] = createComboAlg(None, name=comboName, comboHypoCfg=self.comboHypoCfg)
         self.combo = _ComboHypoPool[key]
     def createComboHypoTools(self, chainName):      
         chainDict = HLTMenuConfig.getChainDictFromChainName(chainName)
         self.combo.createComboHypoTools(chainDict, self.comboToolConfs)
     def getChainLegs(self):
         """ This is extrapolating the chain legs from the step dictionaries"""       
         legs = [part['chainName'] for part in self.stepDicts]
         return legs
@@ -910,9 +921,9 @@ class ChainStep(object):
              ' '.join(map(str, [dic['chainName'] for dic in self.stepDicts])),
              ' '.join(map(str, [seq.name for seq in self.sequences]) ))
         if self.combo is not None:
-            repr_string += "\n+ ComboHypo = %s,  ComboHypoTools = %s" %\
-                    (self.combo.Alg.name(),
-                    ' '.join(map(str, [tool.__name__ for tool in self.comboToolConfs])))
+            repr_string += "\n + ComboHypo = %s" %(compName(self.combo.Alg))
+            if len(self.comboToolConfs)>0:
+                repr_string +=",  ComboHypoTools = %s" %(' '.join(map(str, [tool.__name__ for tool in self.comboToolConfs])))            
         return repr_string
@@ -947,19 +958,19 @@ class InEventRecoCA( ComponentAccumulator ):
             self.inputMakerAlg = CompFactory.InputMakerForRoI(**args)
-        self.addEventAlgo( self.inputMakerAlg, self.mainSeq.name )
-        self.recoSeq = parOR( "InputSeq_"+self.inputMakerAlg.name ) #FP: why is this needed?
-        self.addSequence( self.recoSeq, self.mainSeq.name )
+        self.addEventAlgo( self.inputMakerAlg, self.mainSeq.getName() )
+        self.recoSeq = parOR( "InputSeq_"+self.inputMakerAlg.getName() ) #FP: why is this needed?
+        self.addSequence( self.recoSeq, self.mainSeq.getName() )
     def mergeReco( self, ca ):
         """ Merged CA moving reconstruction algorithms into the right sequence """
-        return self.merge( ca, sequenceName=self.recoSeq.name )
+        return self.merge( ca, sequenceName=self.recoSeq.getName() )
     def addRecoAlgo( self, algo ):
         """ Place algorithm in the correct reconstruction sequence """
-        return self.addEventAlgo( algo, sequenceName=self.recoSeq.name )
+        return self.addEventAlgo( algo, sequenceName=self.recoSeq.getName() )
     def inputMaker( self ):
         return self.inputMakerAlg
@@ -968,10 +979,10 @@ class InEventRecoCA( ComponentAccumulator ):
 class InViewRecoCA(ComponentAccumulator):
     """ Class to handle in-view reco, sets up the View maker if not provided and exposes InputMaker so that more inputs to it can be added in the process of assembling the menu """
-    def __init__(self, name, viewMaker=None, **viewMakerArgs):
+    def __init__(self, name, viewMaker=None, isProbe=False, **viewMakerArgs):
         super( InViewRecoCA, self ).__init__()
-        self.name = name
-        self.mainSeq = seqAND( name )
+        self.name = name +"_probe" if isProbe else name
+        self.mainSeq = seqAND( self.name )
         self.addSequence( self.mainSeq )
         if len(viewMakerArgs) != 0:
@@ -1013,13 +1024,14 @@ class InViewRecoCA(ComponentAccumulator):
 class SelectionCA(ComponentAccumulator):
     """ CA component for MenuSequenceCA sequence """
-    def __init__(self, name):
-        self.name = name
+    def __init__(self, name, isProbe=False):
+        self.name = name+"_probe" if isProbe else name        
+        self.isProbe=isProbe
         super( SelectionCA, self ).__init__()   
-        self.stepRecoSequence = parOR(CFNaming.stepRecoName(name))       
-        self.stepViewSequence = seqAND(CFNaming.stepContentName(name), [self.stepRecoSequence])
+        # to do: remove content sequence, leave just one for the Hypo?
+        self.stepRecoSequence = parOR(CFNaming.stepRecoName(self.name))       
+        self.stepViewSequence = seqAND(CFNaming.stepContentName(self.name), [self.stepRecoSequence])
     def mergeReco(self, other):
@@ -1031,6 +1043,10 @@ class SelectionCA(ComponentAccumulator):
     def addHypoAlgo(self, algo):
         """To be used when the hypo alg configuration does not require auxiliary tools/services"""        
+        if self.isProbe:
+            newname = algo.getName()+'_probe'
+            algo.name=newname
+           #algo.name(algo.getName()+'_probe')
         self.addEventAlgo(algo, sequenceName=self.stepViewSequence.name)
     def hypo(self):
@@ -1045,12 +1061,13 @@ class SelectionCA(ComponentAccumulator):
         assert im is not None, "No input maker in SeelectionCA {}".format(self.name)
         return im
+    def topSequence(self):
+        return self.stepViewSequence
 # mainline/rec-ex-common and CA based JO compatibility layer (basically converters)
 def algorithmCAToGlobalWrapper(gen, flags, *args, **kwargs):
-    """Merges CA with athena for all components except the algorithms. Those are converted to Run2 objects and returned.
-    If CA contains more than one algorithm, a list is returned, else a single algorithm is returned.
+    """ Merges CA with athena for all components except the algorithms. Those are converted to Run2 objects and returned.
+        If CA contains more than one algorithm, a list is returned, else a single algorithm is returned.
     with ConfigurableCABehavior():
         ca = gen(flags, *args, **kwargs)
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ChainMerging.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ChainMerging.py
index 5a3205fefb6733823e008a2f3e76efd4f375d1c8..3827d860277acfff4272a42578975429fa9d0593 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ChainMerging.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ChainMerging.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.Utility.MenuAlignmentTools import get_alignment_group_ordering as getAlignmentGroupOrdering
-from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import Chain, ChainStep, EmptyMenuSequence, RecoFragmentsPool
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.MenuComponents import Chain, ChainStep, EmptyMenuSequence, RecoFragmentsPool, EmptyMenuSequenceCA
 from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
 from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
@@ -155,7 +155,12 @@ def getEmptySeqName(stepName, chain_index, step_number, alignGroup):
     return seqName
 def EmptyMenuSequenceCfg(flags, name):
-    return EmptyMenuSequence(name)
+    # to clean up
+    if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
+        return EmptyMenuSequenceCA(name)
+    else:
+        return EmptyMenuSequence(name)
 def getEmptyMenuSequence(flags, name):
     if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ComboHypoHandling.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ComboHypoHandling.py
index 2305cebf659b41c083b88c28087bb63832b473e6..d7ec6fec6eed794879eb1defedd023f70f1d8623 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ComboHypoHandling.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Config/Utility/ComboHypoHandling.py
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ logging.getLogger().info("Importing %s",__name__)
 import math
 import re
 from TrigConfHLTUtils.HLTUtils import string2hash
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import CompFactory
 topoLegIndices = "ABCDEF"
@@ -53,7 +54,6 @@ from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.MinBias.MinBiasChainConfiguration import TrigAFPDijetComb
 from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Muon.MuonChainConfiguration import TrigMuonEFIdtpInvMassHypoToolCfg
 def TrigComboHypoToolFromDict(chainDict):
-    from TrigHypoCommonTools.TrigHypoCommonToolsConf import TrigComboHypoTool
     from AthenaMonitoringKernel.GenericMonitoringTool import GenericMonitoringTool
     chainName = chainDict['chainName']
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ def TrigComboHypoToolFromDict(chainDict):
     # convert list of dicts into dict of lists
     toolProps = {k:[thedef[k] for thedef in topoDefs] for k in topoDefs[0]}
-    tool = TrigComboHypoTool(chainName, SkipLegCheck=skipLegCheck, **toolProps)
+    tool = CompFactory.TrigComboHypoTool(chainName, SkipLegCheck=skipLegCheck, **toolProps)
     return tool
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/Dev_pp_run3_v1.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/Dev_pp_run3_v1.py
index 574060ac80ecc411f946ec5af737ea8492f108ec..0286305a857cb7840741f10ccc7e5ba6f8d39937 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/Dev_pp_run3_v1.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Menu/Dev_pp_run3_v1.py
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ def setupMenu():
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2mu14_l2io_L12MU8F', groups=DevGroup+MultiMuonGroup),
         ChainProp(name='HLT_2mu6_l2io_L12MU5VF', groups=DevGroup+MultiMuonGroup),
         # Test T&P dimuon
         ChainProp(name='HLT_mu24_mu6_L1MU14FCH', l1SeedThresholds=['MU14FCH','MU3V'], groups=DevGroup+MultiMuonGroup),
         ChainProp(name='HLT_mu24_mu6_probe_L1MU14FCH', l1SeedThresholds=['MU14FCH','PROBEMU3V'], groups=DevGroup+MultiMuonGroup),
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Muon/MuonChainConfiguration.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Muon/MuonChainConfiguration.py
index 80afc0921fe03053538aa42b3bed704594bbf087..c809181dc1084dadd73a2625b77f4a1a514baf0b 100755
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Muon/MuonChainConfiguration.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Muon/MuonChainConfiguration.py
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from ..Config.ChainConfigurationBase import ChainConfigurationBase
 from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentFactory import isComponentAccumulatorCfg
 if isComponentAccumulatorCfg():
-    from .generateMuon import muFastSequence, muEFSASequence, muCombSequence, muEFCBSequence
+    from .generateMuon import muFastSequence, muEFSASequence, muCombSequence, muEFCBSequence,  muCombOvlpRmSequence, muFastOvlpRmSequence
     from .MuonMenuSequences import muFastSequence, muFastCalibSequence, muFastOvlpRmSequence, mul2mtSAOvlpRmSequence, muCombSequence, muCombLRTSequence, muCombOvlpRmSequence, mul2mtCBOvlpRmSequence, mul2IOOvlpRmSequence, muEFSASequence, muEFCBSequence, muEFCBIDperfSequence, muEFCBLRTSequence, muEFCBLRTIDperfSequence, muEFSAFSSequence, muEFCBFSSequence, muEFIsoSequence, muEFMSIsoSequence, efLateMuRoISequence, efLateMuSequence, muRoiClusterSequence, muEFIDtpSequence
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Muon/generateMuon.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Muon/generateMuon.py
index 57f722aaf04b0d6708e2df7db0e329a61a2d0971..0417cb482148c240ddd14bf4511a1b1513fcb208 100644
--- a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Muon/generateMuon.py
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/python/HLT/Muon/generateMuon.py
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@ def efMuIsoHypoConf(flags, name="UNSPECIFIED", inputMuons="UNSPECIFIED"):
     return efHypo
-def _muFastStepSeq(flags):
+def _muFastStepSeq(flags, is_probe_leg=False):
     # Step 1 (L2MuonSA)
-    selAcc = SelectionCA("L2MuFastReco")
+    selAcc = SelectionCA("L2MuFastReco",  is_probe_leg)
     # Set EventViews for L2MuonSA step
-    reco = InViewRecoCA("L2MuFastReco")
+    reco = InViewRecoCA("L2MuFastReco", isProbe=is_probe_leg)
     #external data loading to view
     reco.mergeReco( MuFastViewDataVerifier(flags) )
@@ -183,13 +183,13 @@ def _muFastStepSeq(flags):
     l2muFastSequence = MenuSequenceCA(selAcc, 
-                                      HypoToolGen = TrigMufastHypoToolFromDict )
+                                      HypoToolGen = TrigMufastHypoToolFromDict, isProbe=is_probe_leg )
     return (selAcc , l2muFastSequence)
 def muFastSequence(flags, is_probe_leg=False): 
     muonflags = flags.cloneAndReplace('Muon', 'Trigger.Offline.SA.Muon')
-    selAcc , l2muFastSequence =  _muFastStepSeq(muonflags)
+    selAcc , l2muFastSequence =  _muFastStepSeq(muonflags, is_probe_leg)
     return l2muFastSequence
@@ -199,6 +199,11 @@ def muFastStep(flags, chainDict):
     return ChainStep( name=selAcc.name, Sequences=[l2muFastSequence], chainDicts=[chainDict] )
+## FP fake, just to test run
+def muFastOvlpRmSequence (flags, is_probe_leg=False):
+    log.warning("FAKE muFastOvlpRmSequence replaced by single muFast")
+    return muFastSequence(flags, is_probe_leg)
 def _muCombStepSeq(flags):
     ### Set muon step2 - L2muComb ###
@@ -236,6 +241,11 @@ def muCombStep(flags, chainDict):
     return ChainStep( name=selAccL2CB.name, Sequences=[l2muCombSequence], chainDicts=[chainDict] )
+def muCombOvlpRmSequence(flags, is_probe_leg=False):
+    log.warning("FAKE muCombOvlpRmSequence replaced by single muCombSequence")
+    return muCombSequence(flags)
 def _muEFSAStepSeq(flags, name='RoI'):
     #EF MS only
diff --git a/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/scripts/test_menu_CA.py b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/scripts/test_menu_CA.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f806cb1334a4292beca31c4e1e2bedb50dfbf20c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trigger/TriggerCommon/TriggerMenuMT/scripts/test_menu_CA.py
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
+test of Dev menu with CA migrated menu code, reproducing runHLT_standalone_newJO
+from AthenaCommon.Logging import logging
+log = logging.getLogger('runHLT_standalone_newJO')
+from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags 
+from AthenaConfiguration.ComponentAccumulator import ComponentAccumulator
+from AthenaConfiguration.AccumulatorCache import AccumulatorDecorator
+from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
+Configurable.configurableRun3Behavior = 1
+# select chains, as in runHLT_standalone
+ConfigFlags.Trigger.enabledSignatures = ['Muon', 'Photon','Electron']
+from AthenaConfiguration.AllConfigFlags import ConfigFlags
+ConfigFlags.Trigger.generateMenuDiagnostics = True
+from AthenaConfiguration.TestDefaults import defaultTestFiles
+ConfigFlags.Input.Files = defaultTestFiles.RAW
+acc = ComponentAccumulator()
+from TrigConfigSvc.TrigConfigSvcCfg import L1ConfigSvcCfg
+from TriggerMenuMT.HLT.Config.GenerateMenuMT_newJO import generateMenuMT 
+menu = generateMenuMT( ConfigFlags)