add VrtSecInclusive vertices to DAOD_PHYSVAL and validation plots to NTUP_PHYSVAL
This MR adds two secondary vertex collection to DAOD_PHYSVAL
: nominal configuration of theVrtSecInclusive
inclusive secondary vertex reconstruction algorithm optimized for hadronic decays of long-lived particles -
: additional configuration of theVrtSecInclusive
algorithm optimized for leptonic decays of long-lived particles
Additionally, functionality is added to the package InDetSecVertexValidation
to automate the production of vertex distributions for physics validation. A new flag doLLPSecVtx
is added which steers this code, e.g. --CA --validationFlags doLLPSecVtx --inputDAOD_PHYSVALFile DAOD_PHYSVAL.test.pool.root --outputNTUP_PHYSVALFile NTUP_PHYSVAL.root
cc: @benhoob
Edited by Jackson Carl Burzynski