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Track overlay configuration

Fang-Ying Tsai requested to merge fatsai/athena:PileupTracking into master

The major change is related to the JIRA issue [ATLASSIM-6228]( A new flag, "flags.Digitization.ReadParametersFromDB", is added to the file. The flag, when set to False, will prevent the creation of the "/Digitization/Parameters" folder when running the track reconstruction algorithm on pileup RDOs. A new configuration, InDetTrackScoringToolsConfig, is added to get the InDetTRT_StandaloneScoringTool. Also, the LArNoisyROAlg is updated, it needs a Bkg_EventInfo key for the EventInfo object, which is set accordingly in the configuration. ping @wleight

Edited by Fang-Ying Tsai

Merge request reports
