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Updated MuonCombined flags for cosmics

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:MuonCosmicsFlags into master

Disable a few flags, consistently with

Relevant for ATLASRECTS-7331 , removes the following difference between CA and legacy config

Py:diff-root      WARNING the following variables exist only in the new file !
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [CombinedStauTrackParticles]
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [CombinedStauTrackParticlesAux.]
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [ExtrapolatedStauTrackParticles]
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [ExtrapolatedStauTrackParticlesAux.]
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [SlowMuons]
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [SlowMuonsAux.]
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [StauSegments]
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [StauSegmentsAux.]
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [Staus]
Py:diff-root      WARNING  - [StausAux.]

Differences in a few muon variables are still present.

Merge request reports
