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Migrate TrigFastTrackFinder config to CA

Jiri Masik requested to merge jmasik/athena:idtrig-ca-migration-ftf into master

major rewrite of TrigFastTrackFinder_Config to be CA native - to be renamed (drop the _)

SiCombinatorialTrackFinderToolConfig - SiDetElementBoundaryLinksCondAlg moved from EventAlgo to AddCondAlgo - @tstreble if OK I'll change the remaining

@tbold, @jburr - this is MR I mentioned on Friday - I will rework the interfaces to make it more modular for sp counting and 2-stage tracking execution after it validates in the current form but

electron tracking settings are incorrect wrt the bremstrahlung model but keep it for compatibility with the legacy config


Edited by Jiri Masik

Merge request reports
