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Updating GenFilterTool for derivations

Merged Zach Marshall requested to merge zmarshal/athena:master_FilterUpdate into master
Copyright (C) 2002-2022 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
Copyright (C) 2002-2023 CERN for the benefit of the ATLAS collaboration
// Class header file
@@ -26,7 +26,24 @@ namespace DerivationFramework {
return false;
static bool isFromWZTau(const xAOD::TruthParticle* tp) {
ParticleOrigin orig = static_cast<ParticleOrigin>(tp->auxdata<unsigned int>("classifierParticleOrigin"));
switch(orig) {
case ParticleOrigin::WBoson:
return true;
case ParticleOrigin::ZBoson:
return true;
case ParticleOrigin::TauLep:
return true;
return false;
return false;
static const SG::AuxElement::Decorator<float> dec_genFiltHT("GenFiltHT");
static const SG::AuxElement::Decorator<float> dec_genFiltHTinclNu("GenFiltHTinclNu");
static const SG::AuxElement::Decorator<float> dec_genFiltMET("GenFiltMET");
static const SG::AuxElement::Decorator<float> dec_genFiltPTZ("GenFiltPTZ");
static const SG::AuxElement::Decorator<float> dec_genFiltFatJ("GenFiltFatJ");
@@ -97,12 +114,13 @@ namespace DerivationFramework {
return StatusCode::FAILURE;
float genFiltHT(0.), genFiltMET(0.), genFiltPTZ(0.), genFiltFatJ(0.);
ATH_CHECK( getGenFiltVars(truthPC, genFiltHT, genFiltMET, genFiltPTZ, genFiltFatJ) );
float genFiltHT(0.), genFiltHTinclNu(0.), genFiltMET(0.), genFiltPTZ(0.), genFiltFatJ(0.);
ATH_CHECK( getGenFiltVars(truthPC, genFiltHT, genFiltHTinclNu, genFiltMET, genFiltPTZ, genFiltFatJ) );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Computed generator filter quantities: HT " << genFiltHT/1e3 << ", MET " << genFiltMET/1e3 << ", PTZ " << genFiltPTZ/1e3 << ", FatJ " << genFiltFatJ/1e3 );
ATH_MSG_DEBUG("Computed generator filter quantities: HT " << genFiltHT/1e3 << ", HTinclNu " << genFiltHTinclNu/1e3 << ", MET " << genFiltMET/1e3 << ", PTZ " << genFiltPTZ/1e3 << ", FatJ " << genFiltFatJ/1e3 );
dec_genFiltHT(*eventInfo) = genFiltHT;
dec_genFiltHTinclNu(*eventInfo) = genFiltHTinclNu;
dec_genFiltMET(*eventInfo) = genFiltMET;
dec_genFiltPTZ(*eventInfo) = genFiltPTZ;
dec_genFiltFatJ(*eventInfo) = genFiltFatJ;
@@ -110,7 +128,7 @@ namespace DerivationFramework {
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;
StatusCode GenFilterTool::getGenFiltVars(const xAOD::TruthParticleContainer* tpc, float& genFiltHT, float& genFiltMET, float& genFiltPTZ, float& genFiltFatJ) const {
StatusCode GenFilterTool::getGenFiltVars(const xAOD::TruthParticleContainer* tpc, float& genFiltHT, float& genFiltHTinclNu, float& genFiltMET, float& genFiltPTZ, float& genFiltFatJ) const {
// Get jet container out
const xAOD::JetContainer* truthjets = nullptr;
if ( evtStore()->retrieve( truthjets, m_truthJetsName).isFailure() || !truthjets ){
@@ -120,13 +138,15 @@ namespace DerivationFramework {
// Get HT
genFiltHT = 0.;
genFiltHTinclNu = 0.; // this HT definition includes neutrinos from W/Z/tau
for (const auto *const tj : *truthjets) {
if ( tj->pt()>m_MinJetPt && fabs(tj->eta())<m_MaxJetEta ) {
if ( tj->pt()>m_MinJetPt && std::abs(tj->eta())<m_MaxJetEta ) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Adding truth jet with pt " << tj->pt()
<< ", eta " << tj->eta()
<< ", phi " << tj->phi()
<< ", nconst = " << tj->numConstituents());
genFiltHT += tj->pt();
genFiltHTinclNu += tj->pt();
@@ -138,7 +158,7 @@ namespace DerivationFramework {
if (pdgid==21 && tp->e()==0) continue; // Work around for an old generator bug
if ( tp->status() %1000 !=1 ) continue; // Stable!
if ((abs(pdgid)==11 || abs(pdgid)==13) && tp->pt()>m_MinLepPt && fabs(tp->eta())<m_MaxLepEta) {
if ((std::abs(pdgid)==11 || std::abs(pdgid)==13) && tp->pt()>m_MinLepPt && std::abs(tp->eta())<m_MaxLepEta) {
if( isPrompt(tp) ) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Adding prompt lepton with pt " << tp->pt()
<< ", eta " << tp->eta()
@@ -146,9 +166,22 @@ namespace DerivationFramework {
<< ", status " << tp->status()
<< ", pdgId " << pdgid);
genFiltHT += tp->pt();
genFiltHTinclNu += tp->pt();
// include neutrinos from W/Z/Tau in one of the HT definitions
// this corresponds to a subset of HT-sliced samples where the HT filter
// was configured to include these particles
if (tp->isNeutrino() && isFromWZTau(tp)) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Adding neutrino from W/Z/Tau with pt " << tp->pt()
<< ", eta " << tp->eta()
<< ", phi " << tp->phi()
<< ", status " << tp->status()
<< ", pdgId " << pdgid);
genFiltHTinclNu += tp->pt();
if (isNonInteracting(pdgid) && isPrompt(tp) ) {
ATH_MSG_VERBOSE("Found prompt nonInteracting particle with pt " << tp->pt()
<< ", eta " << tp->eta()
@@ -171,8 +204,8 @@ namespace DerivationFramework {
if (HepMC::is_simulation_particle(pitr1)) continue;
if (pitr1->status()!=1) continue;
// Pick electrons or muons with Pt > MinPt_PTZ and |eta| < m_maxEta
if (std::abs(pdgId1) == 11 || abs(pdgId1) == 13) {
if (pitr1->pt() >= MinPt_PTZ && fabs(pitr1->eta()) <= MaxEta_PTZ){
if (std::abs(pdgId1) == 11 || std::abs(pdgId1) == 13) {
if (pitr1->pt() >= MinPt_PTZ && std::abs(pitr1->eta()) <= MaxEta_PTZ){
for (const xAOD::TruthParticle* pitr2 : *tpc){
if (pitr2==pitr1) continue;
if (HepMC::is_simulation_particle(pitr2)) continue;
@@ -181,9 +214,9 @@ namespace DerivationFramework {
// Pick electrons or muons with Pt > MinPt_PTZ and |eta| < MaxEta_PTZ
// If AllowSameCharge_PTZ is not true only pick those with opposite charge to the first particle
// If AllowElecMu_PTZ is true allow also Z -> emu compinations (with charge requirements as above)
if ((AllowSameCharge_PTZ && (abs(pdgId2) == abs(pdgId1) || (AllowElecMu_PTZ && (abs(pdgId2) == 11 || abs(pdgId2) == 13) ) ) ) ||
if ((AllowSameCharge_PTZ && (std::abs(pdgId2) == std::abs(pdgId1) || (AllowElecMu_PTZ && (std::abs(pdgId2) == 11 || std::abs(pdgId2) == 13) ) ) ) ||
(!AllowSameCharge_PTZ && (pdgId2 == -1*pdgId1 || (AllowElecMu_PTZ && (pdgId2 == (pdgId1 < 0 ? 1 : -1) * 11 || (pdgId1 < 0 ? 1 : -1) * pdgId2 == 13) ) ) ) ) {
if (pitr2->pt() >= MinPt_PTZ && fabs(pitr2->eta()) <= MaxEta_PTZ){
if (pitr2->pt() >= MinPt_PTZ && std::abs(pitr2->eta()) <= MaxEta_PTZ){
double invMass = (pitr1->p4()+pitr2->p4()).M();
double dilepPt = (pitr1->p4()+pitr2->p4()).Pt();
// Only consider pair that fall in the mass window